Page 5 - Triangle Spring 2017 Issue 21
P. 5

E l s e   L o d g e   H a p p y   I n s t a l l a t i o n

        The Else Lodge that meets at Weston-super-
        Mare was honoured by the presence of our
        PGM, R. Worshipful Brother John Graham
        Morgan, who, on this special occasion, was
        accompanied by W. Brother Tony Guthrie,
        Provincial  Deputy  Grand  Director  of
        Ceremonies. After the usual lodge business,
        Worshipful  Master  Clive  Sutton  Installed
        his successor Bro. Chris Avery in his own
        gentle  manner.    Although  Chris,  over  his
        long career, had been through the craft chair
        3 times, the chair of Mark Master was a new
        step  for  him  &  the  confident  way  he
        appointed  his  Officers  saw  him  off  on  a
        great start to his year of office.   The noise
        &  happy  banter  at  the  Festive  Board,  the
        toasts  &  replies  that  followed  the  meeting
        were  typical  of  the  camaraderie  of  a     Left to right…PGM, J/Warden-Philip Lewis, WM-Chris Avery,
        successful Mark meeting! ….Copy/pics,Ed.        IPM- Clive Sutton & Provincial Deputy GDC- Tony Guthrie.

            T h e   S o m e r s e t   M a r k   M a s t e r s   P r o v i n c i a l   Te a m

                        o f   D e v e l o p m e n t   a n d   I m p r o v e m e n t

        The  Somerset  Mark  Masters  Provincial  Team  of Whichever demonstration you choose would be carried out
        Development and Improvement was established to assist on your usual Lodge meeting date and all travelling and
        Lodges who do not have a Candidate for a regular meeting. dining expenses will be borne by the Demonstration Team
        The purpose of the Team of Development and Improvement members, therefore incurring no cost to the host Lodge.
        is to promote awareness of both the Mark Degree ceremony The Team are also able to assist Lodges by providing stand
        together with the Mark Lecture and Tracing Board as well in officers should the Lodge wish.
        as the Royal Ark Mariner Ceremony and Tracing Board The  demonstration  events  are  very  enjoyable  for  all
        lecture to all Lodges in our Province if they require their concerned and can be beneficial both to your Lodge and to
        assistance.                                          your Brethren, who may be inspired to join the Team.
        The Team will visit any Mark or Royal Ark Mariner Lodge If the Teams services are required for either the Mark or
        and perform a Demonstration of the Mark or Royal Ark RAM  ceremonies  and/or  lectures  please  contact  the
        Mariner Degree, or a demonstration of the Mark Lecture coordinator W.Bro. Derek Wilton to arrange a visit but
        after your Advancement Ceremony or Royal Ark Mariner please remember to give him adequate notice wherever
        Tracing Board after an Elevation Ceremony            possible.
        If the Lodge does not have a Candidate for either the Mark
        or Royal Ark Mariner meeting, then a call can be made to    John G Morgan
        the coordinator.                                                            Provincial Grand Master

           F a n c y   m e e t i n g   y o u   h e r e !
         Else Mark Lodge Past Master Bryan Aston, together with his MS-Marco-Polo & after a few drinks, Scotty was persuaded
         lady Mary, had a ‘get-away-from-it-all’ Christmas/New Year to  organise  an  informal  meeting;  this  was  so  done  &
         Cruise sailing from Avonmouth to the Canary Islands on the advertised.  Happily  twelve  Masons  English,  Scottish  &
         MS-Marco-Polo. Calling at, La Coruna, Arrecife, St. Cruz De German were on board, & all turned up for this the Inaugural
         La Palma, Tenerife, Madeira & Lisbon.                Masonic Meeting.
         Who did they meet on board? Our very own Provincial Grand A great time was had by all & on the return to Avonmouth,
         Master John Morgan together with Derek Shailer.      the ships next sailing was to the Amazon!
         The ship’s entertainer was one Scotty McLean, (guess where …..Bryan Aston.
         he came from?) It was soon discovered that he was a Scottish
         Mason,  a  member  of  Airdrie  Lodge,  No.203  in  North …….Please see pictures on page 6
         Lanarkshire.  No Masonic Meeting had ever been held on the
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