Page 3 - Triangle Spring 2013Issue 13
P. 3
Donation to Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Cancer Appeal
April and was diagnosed as suffering from aplastic anaemia. She
had to undergo chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant and
spent a total of 13 weeks in the Children’s Hospital. Although she is
still not fully recovered she is making steady progress and is hopeful
of being able to return to school in the New Year.
The Children’s Cancer Appeal is endeavouring to raise £250,000 to
transform the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Bristol Children’s
Hospital to create a new, integrated Children’s Cancer Unit.
Together, the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit and the Oncology
Ward provide the very highest level of care to children with cancer
and leukaemia from all over the South West. The new Children’s
Cancer Unit will provide integrated care to the hundreds of children
suffering from cancer who are treated at the Hospital each year.
Funds raised by the appeal will build a new conservatory and
playroom giving long-stay patients the opportunity to see out over
all of Bristol with views of the surrounding countryside. It will also
provide enhanced family facilities including a parents’ room and
kitchen, as well as en-suites in patient bedrooms for children who
St Andrews Lodge of Mark Master Masons, have donated £500 to are suffering from cancer and leukaemia.
the Children’s Cancer Appeal. Further donations have been made For more details go to
by the Provincial Grand Lodge of MMM of Somerset £220. John This photo of Ellie was taken while she was in hospital by
Lendon’s Provincial annual London Sojourn £100 and the Somerset and is reproduced with his kind
Masonic Bowling Association £180. Uno Corde Lodge No 5736 permission. The photo will be used with an article that will appear
gave £550, this was the proceeds from W.Bro Bonnie and Mrs. in October edition of Royal College of Nursing magazine.
Maureen Pearce’s Ladies night.
My five year old granddaughter Ellie was suddenly taken ill in early Ray Guthrie, Secretary St Andrew’s Lodge No 1924.
Fifty Years for Bob
The 28th November 2012 will long remain in the memories of those A gift from the Lodge was presented by VW Bro Ray and Bob
present as a very special night for Hallam Lodge and in particular made his normal self-effacing reply, finishing with the words,
for the Advancee Bro. George Sargeant and that ever young veteran “Apart from having an office in Hallam for probably 47 of the
W.Bro Bob Cole who was celebrating 50 years in Mark Masonry last 50 years nothing much has happened but I have enjoyed
on that very night. every minute”!
The Signing-in Book looked like a who’s who of Somerset The Festive Board was the normal happy Hallam experience full of
Freemasonry! In attendance amongst many, were the PGM’s of animated conversation, laughter and good humour, with especial
both Mark and Craft, the Mark Deputy PGM, Past Deputy PGM, thanks to Zena for the superb meal; A truly memorable night to
a Very Worshipful brother and a Deputy Grand Sword Bearer remember.
to boot! With the Worshipful Master
unavoidably absent VW Bro Ray Guthrie
took the chair and with the assistance
of the Lodge officers performed a
wonderful Advancement ceremony for
Bro George, who could not fail to have
been impressed with not only the ritual
but the manner in which the meaning of
the Mark Ceremony was communicated.
With the temple buzzing our PGM,
RWBro. David Nelson took the floor to
congratulate Bob on his 50th year in Mark
Masonry and what an achievement in
those years; Bob had taken every office
except Organist!
The PGM presented him with both a
Certificate from Grand Lodge and also
from the Province of Somerset to mark
the occasion and thanked Bob for being a
“great masonic friend to many brethren”.