Page 7 - Triangle Spring 2013Issue 13
P. 7
Thackeray Royal Ark Mariners Installation
One look at the dining list for the October meeting of
Thackeray RAM would surely have been enough to make
many Worshipful Commanders turn weak at the knees, for
the Lodge was honoured by the presence of the PGM, DPGM
and PDPGM, along with 11 other visitors, for what was to
be our outgoing Commander’s swansong as he installed his
successor. However, W. Bro. Pat Morrisey was made of
sterner stuff, and gave an excellent example of how to carry
out the ceremony which did both him and the Lodge proud
and no doubt impressed all present – whatever their rank.
This confidence was obviously infectious, for the new
Commander W. Bro. Phil Voisey carried on in similar vein,
and certainly bodes well for the year ahead in the Lodge.
Two candidates were proposed, giving W. Bro. Phil the
opportunity to prove his officers shipshape, (but hopefully
not Bristol fashion?) in the meetings to come. On a personal
note, it will be a pleasure not to have to endure the strains of aid of Weston Hospicecare, which had supported his late wife Pam
“Any old iron” from the admirably during her struggle with terminal cancer earlier in the year.
acting organist W. Bro. This was very well supported by all present, and was made up to the
Matt Wesley during sum of £300 by the Lodge, the cheque being presented by W. Bro. Phil
the incoming and at the end of the evening.
outgoing processions All present agreed that the meeting was a great success and once again
anymore! No doubt exhibited the warmth, fellowship and friendship for which the Royal
he will find something Ark Mariner degree is so well known.
equally apt for our new ...Copy & Pictures, Ian Strickland.
Commander. Pictured left:Tony Edwards with Phil Voisey.
At the festive board Above: Left to right, J/Warden-Bob Biggs, our PGM-David Nelson,
Bro. Tony Edwards W/Commander-Phil Voisey, Dep. PGM-John Morgan, IPWC-Pat
organised a raffle in Morrisey & S/Warden-Andy Gray.
Somerset Installed Commanders successful summer cruise
Thirty Brethren, wives and friends of the degrees to permit Balmoral to enter the Inner the Provincial Grand Master for Monmouth
Somerset Installed Commanders Lodge Dock where she was turned around with the gave a short talk in his customary manner
led by their Worshipful Commander Bryan help of a small tug to make her way back and at our September meeting Brother the
Foster boarded the Motor Vessel Balmoral to Clevedon. On her return voyage the ship Reverend Steven Hawkins, who is the vicar of
at Clevedon Pier on a sun soaked Sunday in was a spectacular site for Sunday strollers St Martin’s Church in the Diocese of Bristol,
August at the start of an unusual voyage to who gathered to see her pass by together gave a short talk entitled ‘Ark at ‘e Noah’
Avonmouth and then up the River Avon and with a multitude of car horns when she sailed Chosen from Adge Cutler’s famous song ‘Ark
eventually into the Inner Dock alongside the alongside the road. at ‘e Jacko’, a talk centred on Noah who and
SS Great Britain. After passing under the A magical day was had by all. what he was; as Royal Ark Mariners, we can
Clifton Suspension Bridge the vessel entered The Commanders Lodge meet twice a year learn from him.
the Lock separating the Docks from the River. at Wedmore and is open to all Past Installed If any Brother requires further Information
When Balmoral was safely tied up the traffic Commanders although any Royal Ark Mariner about the Installed Commanders Lodge please
on the Cumberland basin swing bridge was is welcome to attend our meeting. At our last email the Scribe Barrie Baker on:-
halted and the bridge was swung through 90 Installation meeting RWBro David James …