Page 8 - Triangle Spring 2013Issue 13
P. 8

Grand Officers Mess    Grand Officers Mess    Grand Officers Mess

                                                   The  latest  Grand  Officers’  Mess  was
                                                   held at the Clevedon Masonic Centre on
                                                   Thursday 22  November 2012.
                                                   Happy  personal  welcomes  were  given
                                                   by the Provincial Grand Master David
                                                   Nelson together with John Morgan his
                                                    Deputy as they circulated amongst the
                                                    arriving  members.  The  dining  room
                                                    rapidly filled as the conversation and
                                                    laughter grew louder as greetings were
                                                    To ensure that the dining places were
                                                  random, each diner drew a number out
                                           of the bag and circulated the tables to find their
                                           place. After a superb lunch prepared by
                                            Zena, Neil Hurcum and their team, The
                                            PGM  rose,  welcomed  all  present  and
                                            proposed the Loyal Toast and that to the
                                            Grand Master, Prince Michael of Kent.
                                            He  then  called  upon  the  brethren  for
                                            any  topic  they  wished  to  discuss.
                                             Ritual within the lodges, progression
                                             to the Master’s chair and when it was
                                             permissible  to  read  ritual  within  a
                                             ceremony  were  amongst  the  many
                                             matters  considered;  ideas  were
           proffered and a lively debate ensued. The Grand Officers’ Mess is now a regular feature on the Provincial
          Calendar and by popular consent a valuable means of contact between Lodge and Province. The pictures illustrated give a candid view of
          the after lunch discussion with its humour, gestures and attention…Copy/picsEd.
               Hallam Lodge Help for Heroes Donation                              Mark Provincial Ball

         Following  a  successful  fund  raising  year   Masonic Hall not only to receive the cheque
         which  included  a  well-  attended  Sunday   b b u t also  to  impart  some  valuable
         Lunch and a donation match by the Province,   insight  into  how  the  money  would  be
         the  Worshipful  Master  Terry  Foad  was   used  and  the  plans of  H4H  for  the  future.
         very  pleased  to  present  a  cheque  to  Help   The  photograph  shows  the  presentation
         for  Heroes  for  the  princely  sum  of  £750.   party, from left to right: Andy Gray, Jerry
         Mr  Richard  Lupton  ,  the  area  co-ordinator   Jones, Mr. Richard Lupton, Bob Cole, Terry
         for Help for Heroes came down to Clevedon   Foed, Neil Hurcum and Derek Wilton.
                                                                                Join our Provincial Grand Master
                                                                                David and Mrs. Catherine  Nelson,
                                                                                enjoy  a  great  Weekend  at  the
                                                                                Redcliffe Hotel in Paignton in the
                                                                                company of many friends. Friday
                                                                                22nd  &  Saturday  23rd  March
                                                                                2013. Contact your Lodge Charity
                                                                                Steward  now  for  an  application
                                                                                form  or  download  one  from  our
                                                                                web site at:-

            The Somerset Triangle Newsletter is produced for the Provincial Grand Lodge
                                  of Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
          The editor Patrick Morrisey would be pleased to receive articles, news and photographs
          for possible publication.Please send to:- “Ashcombe Lodge”, 3 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare,
          N. Somerset BS23 2SA. Tel. 01934 631449. email:-
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