Page 4 - Triangle Spring 2013Issue 13
P. 4

Provincial Grand Secretary’s Corner                          Provincial 600 Club Winners

                                                                        Congratulations to our lucky winners.
                         Although perhaps a little belated Brethren,   Speak to your Lodge Charity Steward about entry forms.
                           I  wish  you  all  a  very  Happy,  Healthy   The WM and his Wardens draw the lucky winners.
                            and Peaceful New Year. I particularly       Prizes: 1st.£150,   2nd.£60,   3rd.£40.
                             wish to take this opportunity to thank       The Christmas Draw was a special.
                             all the members of Lodges I have so      First prize £150 plus 6 prizes of £100 each.
                             far visited since becoming Provincial      Draw                   Name                  Lodge
                             Grand Secretary for their kind welcome
                             and very generous hospitality. It has   Sept.      W. Bro. Ian Walker       571
                            been very rewarding and I look forward   “          W. Bro. Alun Rees        730
                           to  meeting  many  more  of  you  as  the   “         Bro. Jim Arnott         781
                         Masonic year progresses.                  Oct.         W. Bro. John Gould       1295
                            For your Diary                          “           W. Bro. Alan Baker       1295

                                                                    “         W. Bro. Garfield Taylor    1295
                                                                  Nov.        RWBro. David Nelson        1608
                                                                    “           W. Bro. Bob Ross         1608
                                                                    “           W. Bro. Peter Boice      1656
                                                                  Dec.        W. Bro. John Nicholson     177
                                                                    “           Bro. Patrick Haxall      155

             Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners        “         Miss Corina Nicholson      177
                    as summer 2012 edition, date 9th Feb 2013       “         RWBro. David Nelson        1608
                                                                    “          W. Bro. David George      177
                 Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge           “         W. Bro. Sidney French      348
                   as spring 2012 edition, but date 4  May 2013
                                                                    “          Bro. Finn Christensen     781
                     Secretaries/Scribes and Directors             Jan.        W. Bro. Wayne Kelly       102
                         of Ceremonies Meeting.                     “          W. Bro. Keith Fisher
                 as summer 2012 edition, but date 30  August 2013                                        191
                                                                    “          W. Bro. John Lendon       697
             Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Grand Officers Mess
                           as spring 2012 edition,                       Freewheelers Charity
                except  W.Bro. Cliff Hannabuss having taken on etc.
                                                                At the meeting of Lodge Charity Stewards and Almoners, our
                               Reminder.                        Provincial Grand Master, David Nelson, welcomed Alan, Richard
                            Lodge Meetings                      and Steve from the Freewheelers EVS, (Emergency Volunteer
                           as summer 2012 edition
                                                                Service)  charity.  The  Freewheelers  operate  an  out  of  hours
                                                                emergency volunteer service as motorcycle couriers for the NHS.
                        Provincial Ties and Tokens              They are entirely dependent upon charitable donations, receiving
                           as summer 2012 edition
                                                                no income for their work, and are not funded in any way by the
                                                                NHS. After the Presentation, the PGM proposed that the Lodges
                           Provincial Website                   in the Province should aim to raise £15,000 over the ensuing
            For the latest information regarding future events, news and form   year  in  order  to  provide  the  Freewheelers with  a  replacement
                             downloads visit:                   motorcycle. Lodges would only be expected to give whatever they
                                                                could. This would take immediate effect with a final target date
                                                                of  the  Provincial
           Having visited the future events page, the PGM,      meeting  in  2014.
            DPGM, W.Masters and W.Commanders would
            welcome your support at those events listed and     Please  see  the
                                                                Mark web site for
            don’t forget the camera, thus helping to secure     a full description
              the future of your Triangle and making our        of  this  very
                    editor a very happy Mark Man.               worthy charity.
           S. John Smith.                                        somersetmason
           Provincial Grand Secretary

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