Page 1 - Triangle Summer 2016 Issue 20
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Issue 20 Summer 2016 http:///
Hope for Tomorrow The Conclusion
Founded in 2003, the charity ‘Hope for Tomorrow’ aims to raised exceeding the original target of £15,000. Congratulations
alleviate some of the stresses & strains for patients receiving brethren of the Mark Province of Somerset.
treatment for Cancer by attending, Mobile Chemotherapy Units, On Monday 25 April 2016, The Provincial Grand Master,
(MCU). accompanied by his Deputy Philip Voisey & nine members of
The first MCU was launched by the Charity in 2007 in his Provincial Team, travelled to Musgrove Hospital in Taunton
partnership with the National Health Service. Each Unit where the Somerset MCU is based. There they were delighted
including one Nurses Support Vehicle, (NSV) costing in excess to meet their suitably marked Kia NSV called ‘Little Bumble’,
of £260,000 & staffed by highly trained NHS staff, allows patients for the first time & to join the unit staff & Community
to receive their treatment in a restful & friendly atmosphere Fundraisers. The Provincial Team were next invited to view the
closer to their home saving long stressful journeys & shorter very comfortable interior of the MCU. After a short explanation
waiting times. about the various items of equipment within the unit & a few
John Morgan, Provincial Grand Master for Somerset Mark happily answered questions about ever improving the facility,
Master Masons, chose for his 2015/2016 charity to supply a John Morgan was pleased to announce, to the delight of the
replacement NSV for the Somerset M.C.Unit, whose name is ‘Big nursing & Fund Raising staff, that further funds for Big Bumble
Bumble’! It was hoped that £15,000 might be realised from very would be forthcoming in the near future.
many charity events held across the length & breadth of the A happy end to a very successful Charity venture.
Province. Happily, by the 12th April 2016 - £17,548 had been Copy/pics…Pat Morrisey.