Page 7 - Triangle Summer 2016 Issue 20
P. 7
Provincial Secretary’s
Corner Each Draw takes place at a different lodge each month.
The winning numbers are selected electronically.
A new Masonic year is about to commence
Prizes are 1 . £150, 2 . £100, 3 & 4 . £50.
and I again take this opportunity to thank all
Entry Forms available from your Lodge Charity Steward.
Lodge members for the hospitality extended
to me when visiting your Lodge, all Secretaries and Scribes
Feb. Miss Charlotte Nicholson 177
for their continued support in helping in the smooth running
of the Province. “ W. Bro. David Lions 155
I look forward to meeting you all again soon. “ Bro. Barry Renwick 1615
“ W. Bro. Roger Reina 781
For your Diary.
Secretaries/Scribes and Directors of Ceremonies Meeting. March W. Bro. Peter Penfold 571
A meeting has been arranged for Thursday 25 August 2016 “ Mrs Francis Nicholson 177
at Wedmore Masonic Hall commencing at 7pm, the “ Bro. Hilary Daniel 155
Provincial Grand Master will chair the meeting on this “ Mrs Mary Baker 1295
occasion which is also open to Assistant Secretaries/Scribes
April W. Bro. Bob O’Malley-White 781
and DC’s.
“ Bro. Chris Millard 102
Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners. “ W. Bro. Bryan Foster 162
The 12th Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners
“ Bro. Mark Dolman 781
will be held at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 3rd
May VWBro. Geoff Nash 191
September 2016 at 10.45. This very popular meeting is open
“ Mrs Ann Smith 749
to all Royal Ark Mariners. Members elevated since the last
meeting will receive a personal invitation from the Provincial “ Bro. Jonathan Skeeles 1548
Grand Master and Brethren promoted to Provincial RAM “ W. Bro. Alwyn Leek 177
Grand Rank receive their collarette. June VWBro. Geoff Nash 191
Summons and luncheon booking forms are available from
“ Bro. Graham Baker 128
Lodge Scribes and may also be downloaded from the web
“ Miss Kizzy Haggett 1656
site. The ladies are also invited to attend the Luncheon
“ W. Bro. Bob O’Malley White 781
Provincial Meeting.
The next Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Dear Editor……………
Master Masons will be held at the Webbington Hotel on The idea of having a daylight Lodge in Somerset for the Mark Degree
Saturday 6th May 2017 at 3pm followed by the ever popular was first raised in 2008/2009 as a potentially attractive alternative for
Dinner with the Ladies at 6pm. those Brethren who are no longer comfortable driving in the evenings,
It is anticipated the Summons and dining slip will again be and who do not enjoy eating too late in the day.
included with the spring edition of Triangle. If we could perhaps gather in the summer months during the daytime it
might suit a goodly number of keen Mark Masons (and indeed potential
Reminders. candidates) to meet without the need for driving in the dark or worrying
Provincial Ties (Mark and Royal Ark Mariner) and Tokens about their digestion! The word spread and quite soon there were enough
are available from the Provincial Grand Secretary. brethren committed to put it as a serious proposition to the then PGM,
RW Bro. Brian Nelson who warmly embraced the concept, subject to our
The PGM, DPGM, W. Master’s and W. Commander’s meeting all the prescribed criteria.
welcome your support whenever possible at Meetings or Planning meetings were held in Wedmore as a central spot within the
events listed in the Future Events page of the web site:- Province and the prime movers, John Peters, Richard Farmer and the late
Don’t forget the Camera for that special picture in your Kevyn Rhys-Jones laid out their vision, along with prudent Provincial
guidance. The Lodge meetings have in fact all been held at Wedmore ever
S. John Smith. The Lodge was consecrated by RW Bro David and the current Provincial
Team in May 2010, a very memorable occasion for many who were
Provincial Grand Secretary. present, most of whom had not before witnessed the Consecration of a
new Mark Lodge.
We have our Installation meeting annually at Wedmore on the 2 nd
Has anyone ever
Wednesday in May, but we have now resolved after 6 years to hold one
noticed that our or more of our meetings each year at another Masonic Hall in the Province,
Provincial Grand in other words taking the concept to the Mark fraternity rather just
Master’s Collar Jewel expecting them to come over to Wedmore. We are at a cross roads after
6 years and have been considering ways of making the Lodge more
set at the bottom of
attractive, and possibly varying our meeting pattern and routine.
his chain of office, We will be holding our regular meeting in February 2017 at Weston-
displays the Square & super-Mare, as the first to be held in a different environment, and
hope to have local support from the adjacent Mark Lodges.
Compasses fixed in
the Fellowcraft Sincerely
position? Isle of Wedmore Lodge No. 1912.