Page 5 - Triangle Summer 2016 Issue 20
P. 5
Provincial Team Annual BBQ
Happily, now part of the Provincial Calendar each year, the
new Provincial Team’s first ‘duty’ was a happy & worry free
occasion when they all gathered with their ladies at our
Deputy PGM Phil’s spacious garden in peaceful Portbury for
the Annual summer BBQ.
Our PGM John, & his lady Wendy cheerfully welcomed all
as they arrived; leading the way to the drinks table! Phil,
resplendent in shorts & his lady Gill were the hosts with the
mosts even if he did forget to replace the gas bottle on the
BBQ & had to cook everything in the kitchen!
Happily, unlike last year when the marquee blew down the
evening before, all was well the food was wonderful, salads,
chicken, beef-burgers, sausages, followed by a beautiful
selection of desserts prepared by Gill & Wendy trifle, Fe e d M e !
meringues, fruit salad, name it & it was there!
Old friends met, new friendships were made & the wine, beer
& drinks to suit everyone flowed freely. The happy
familiarity ensured that the next meeting of the Team would
run smoothly.
Everyone voiced their pleasure to be there on such a happy
occasion with sincere thanks to Phil, Gill & all her willing
workers. Many a smile noticed PGM John clearing away the
dirty dishes & at the end of the day was one of the many
‘experts’ who organised the dismantling of the marquee!
Naughty Boy’s Table.