Page 8 - Triangle Summer 2016 Issue 20
P. 8

E l s e   L o d g e   c h a mi o n s   t h e   O w l s
                                                       On the occasion of their May Bank Holiday Open Day, Worshipful
                                                       Master Clive Sutton was delighted to present a cheque on behalf
                                                       of the officers and brethren of the lodge for £500 to Darren Jenkins
                                                       on behalf of the Avon Owls Charity  This brings the donations
                                                       given to the charity this year to a total of £720.
                                                       It  will  enable  Avon  Owls  to  update  and  improve  their  media
                                                       communications to raise awareness of this very important facility
                                                       for the protection of injured, abandoned and neglected birds of
                                                       Avon Owls now has its own hospital wing with the services of a
                                                       local specialist vet. Prior to this the nearest bird specialist was at
                                                       Swindon, a very long journey for an injured raptor to travel from
                                                       the South West or South Wales. Injured birds of prey are not
                                                       known to travel  well. We wish all at Avon Owls well for the

             Provincial Mark Weekend
            at Sandbanks Hotel, Poole

        The  2016  Mark  Provincial  weekend  was  held  at  The
        Sandbanks Hotel, Sandbanks, Poole last April.  The event
        was hosted by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master
        John Graham Morgan and organised by Worshipful Brother
        Robin Back, their hard work was appreciated by all.
        This event is an annual occurrence which enables all members
        of the Mark Degree and their partners to get together and
        enjoy a weekend away.  Some of us came down on
        the  Friday  joined  by  many  more  for  the  formal
        dinner on Saturday.
        Those of us who were there on Saturday morning
        decided to go in one of two directions, either to the
        Harbour and town of Poole or the town centre in
        Bournemouth.  Whilst queuing at the bus stops it
        was noted only one of the brethren had to pay the
        appropriate fare while everyone else used their free
        bus passes! Unlike last year the weather was very
        kind to us over the weekend.
        It  was  a  most  enjoyable  weekend  the
        highlight being the Saturday formal dinner
        and entertainment a good time was had by
        all….Long may this event continue.
         Mike Fazackerley…pics.. Ed.

           The Somerset Triangle Magazine is produced for the Provincial Grand Lodge of
                              of Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
            The Editor Patrick Morrisey would be pleased to receive articles, news &
                      photographs for possible publication. Please email

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