Page 3 - Triangle Summer 2016 Issue 20
P. 3
Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting
Webbington Hotel, Loxton, Axbridge. Saturday 7 May 2016.
Under the banner of the Monument Lodge of Mark Master earlier, & was on show to all at the meeting complete with its
Masons, No. 1295, the Annual meeting of Provincial Grand Mark Masonic logo proudly showing.
Lodge met at its usual venue, the Webbington Hotel on what Nikki gave a big vote of thanks to the brethren of Somerset for
turned out to be the hottest day of the year to date! their amazing generosity & described the work of the charity &
The meeting, under the eagle eye of the Provincial Grand Director the part the new vehicle will play as a vital member of the unit.
of Ceremonies, Ray Johnston-Smith rose to receive the banner After much applause, the PGM thanked Nikki for her presentation
& members of the Monument Lodge, closely followed by visiting & she was escorted from the Assembly; Nikki was an honoured
dignitaries & Provincial Guests. guest at the following Festive Board.
All rose to greet & applaud the entrance of The Provincial Grand Provincial Grand Lodge was Called-On. The PGM then continued
Master for Somerset, The Right Worshipful Brother John Graham with his address.
Morgan, his Deputy, The Worshipful Brother Philip Voisey & The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master next addressed the
the full Provincial Team. meeting, during which he said that this would be the last time in
The opening hymn was sung & Provincial Grand Lodge was his present post, as he would be stepping down in the near future.
opened in due & proven form. A delegation of Royal Ark PGM John rose to thank the Deputy Grand Master, after
Mariners dressed in their Rainbow Regalia representing the which, in his own right he gave his annual address to all
twelve RAM Lodges entered & were warmly greeted by the PGM. present.. The full report can be read on the Mark Provincial
Provincial Grand Lodge was called to order by the Grand Website……
Director of Ceremonies to receive the Deputy Grand Master, The Taking the floor of Provincial Grand Lodge, PGM John next met
Right Worshipful Brother Herbert Keith Emmerson, who was & gave a personal Welcome to each new Mark Master Mason
duly saluted with nine, to which he duly responded. who had joined us over the last year & presented every new
All Mark Lodges were next called upon each answering with brother with a souvenir tiepin.
many voices from the lodge members present. Various reports The Grand Director of Ceremonies called the meeting to order &
which included the minutes of the 2015 meeting of Grand Lodge all rose as the Deputy Grand Master retired from the meeting.
& the Treasurer’s Accounts were proposed, seconded & approved The closing hymn was sung & alms were collected.
by a show of hands. The newly appointed Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies,
The PGM next re-appointed the Deputy PGM, after which both W. Brother Mark F. Golding called the meeting to order &
rose for the main event of the meeting, that being to appoint & Provincial Grand lodge was closed in due form, after which the
invest the new Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge; each greeted Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy, escorted by the new
& invested individually by the PGM & congratulated by them Provincial Team & visiting Dignitaries retired from the assembly.
both. The Provincial Grand Master then addressed Provincial Many ladies had accompanied the brethren to the meeting & had
Grand Lodge during which Provincial Grand Lodge was Called- been separately entertained by Mr. John Walker who recently
Off, the PGM then welcomed Nikki Dodd, the Somerset & retired as a film cameraman, his talk entitled “Behind the
Cornwall Fundraiser for the Charity, “Hope for Tomorrow” the Camera” described many unusual, funny & amusing incidents he
PGM’s Charity for the last year. The target was to raise £15,000 had witnessed throughout his career.
to purchase a Nurse Support Vehicle (NSV) for the Mobile After a drink with their menfolk (if you could get near the bar),
Chemotherapy Unit, (MCU) based at Musgrove Park Hospital, all retired to the Festive Board where minimum speeches &
Taunton. When the appeal to the Somerset Brethren was closed, maximum enjoyment was the order of the day. A happy & special
the total given was £17,830.47! The new vehicle was presented event on the Provincial calendar each year!
to the staff & charity representatives at Taunton two weeks Pics/Copy…Ed. More pictures…PTO