Page 2 - Triangle Summer 2006 Issue 1
P. 2

The                   Those of us who have been through the Chair of our Mark Lodge look forward to the day

        Provincial            when we receive our f rst letter from the Provincial Secretary informing us of our promotion
                              to Provincial Grand Lodge. In Somerset, Mark Provincial Rank is usually conferred on a
        Off cer               Past Master 12 to 24 months after he has relinquished the Chair of his Lodge. The rank he
                              receives will depend on many factors including, did he have a happy and successful year?
                              how good was his ritual, did he visit other Lodges? has he continued to support the Lodge?
                              Whatever rank he receives it is an acknowledgement of the work he has done (and we hope
                              will continue to do) for his Lodge and his ability to further the cause of Mark Masonry.
        What are the duties of a new Provincial Off cer? To continue to actively support his Lodge and give the brethren
        who are coming up through the various off ces help and encouragement. But in addition to this he has a duty to
        the Province and to support his Provincial Grand Master. There are usually three or four team visits to Lodges in
        the Province each year where all Provincial Off cers of the year are expected to attend. Provincial Off cers are also
        welcome to attend Installation meetings to support the Principal Provincial Off cer. Here he will wait outside the Lodge
        during the opening with the Principal Provincial Off cer and enter in procession with him. The Provincial Grand Master
        would expect his Wardens to attend as many Installations as possible with him (or the Deputy PGM etc) but he is also
                                                               very grateful of any support from other members of the
           Mark Lodge Installation Programme 2006/7            Provincial Team. A list of Installations for the coming
                                                   Principal   year is printed here to help you plan your year.
               Lodge No          Date         Off cer          If you can attend any of the meetings contact the
         Monument             1295    20-Sep-06     SW         Secretary of the Lodge, you will always be welcome.
                                                               Like all things in Masonry, what you get out of being a
         Langdale             1615    25-Sep-06     PGM        Provincial off cer is roughly equivalent to the effort you
         William de Irwin     162     28-Sep-06     SEC        put in. Take full advantage of your year as a member of
         Eldon                807     5-Oct-06       JW        the Provincial team, it is another of those great Masonic
                                                               opportunities to meet people and make new friends.
         Cerdic               571     18-Oct-06     SW
         William Long         191     20-Oct-06     PGM             Provincial Team Visits 2006/7
         Fidelity &                                            The Provincial Grand Master and his team of Provincial
         Unanimity            348     31-Oct-06     PGM        Off cers will make three visits to Lodges early in 2007.
                                                                    Mendip Mark Lodge Tuesday 16th January
         Nailsea              1548    13-Nov-06     PGM             Eldon Mark Lodge Thursday 1st February
         Science              128     16-Nov-06     PGM              Portal Mark Lodge Thursday 26th April
         Else                 102     21-Nov-06     PGM          The Somerset Travelling Keystone
         Portcullis           1656    21-Nov-06    DPGM
         George Norman        967     27-Nov-06     PGM                     Programme 2006/7
                                                               Since 1989 the travelling Keystone has been circulating
         Portal               155     22-Feb-07    DPGM
                                                               through the Province to help foster that special
         Quantock             749     7-Mar-07      PGM        friendship that the Mark is well known for. The basic
         Royal Cumberland      TI     14-Mar-07     PGM        concept introduced by David Nelson was that the stone
                                                               should be presented to each Lodge in the Province in
         Somerdale            1608    16-Mar-07     PGM
                                                               turn. The Master of the presenting Lodge should be
         Royal Sussex         177     26-Mar-07    DPGM        accompanied on his visit by as many members of his
         Mendip               781     27-Mar-07      JW        Lodge as possible. The programme is as follows
         Carnarvon            119     16-Apr-07    DPGM        Carnarvon Lodge will present the Keystone to Hallam
                                                               Lodge at Clevedon on Wednesday 27  September.
         Hallam               730     25-Apr-07     PGM
                                                               Hallam present to Exmoor Lodge at Minehead on
         Exmoor               697    10-May-07     DPGM        Thursday 5  October.
         Somerset                                              Exmoor present to Monument Lodge at Wellington on
         Instl.Masters        1652    4-Jun-07     DPGM        Wednesday 15  November.
                                                               Monument present to William de Irwin Lodge at Yeovil
                                                               on Thursday 30  November
                      GRAND OFFICERS                           William de Irwin to present to Mendip Lodge at
          The following brethren were appointed or promoted by   Glastonbury on Tuesday 16  January 2007.
           the M.W. Grand Master at the meeting of Mark Grand   Mendip to present to George Norman Lodge at Yatton
                     Lodge on the 13th June 2006               on Monday 29  January
                 First appointments Past Ranks                 George Norman to present to Portcullis Lodge at
            W.Bro. David Jenkins - Past Grand Senior Deacon.   Langport on Tuesday 20  February
          W.Bro. Derek Shailer -  Past Assist Grand Sword Bearer    Portcullis to present to Fidelity and Unanimity Lodge
                            Promotions                         at Taunton on Tuesday 27  March
              W.Bro Les Downs to Past Grand Senior Deacon      Fidelity and Unanimity to present to Portal Lodge at
              W.Bro. Ray Morison to Past Grand Junior Deacon    Frome on Thursday 26  April
            W.Bro. Tony Chapman to Past Grand Senior Deacon    Portal to return the  Travelling Keystone to the
                       We congratulate you all.                Provincial Grand Master at the Provincial meeting
         2                                                     on Saturday 5  May 2007
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