Page 3 - Triangle Summer 2006 Issue 1
P. 3

Benevolent            The Somerset Mark Benevolent Fund is a central    150th Anniversary
                              Provincial Charity with several important objectives.
        Fund &                It provides funds for the relief of Mark Masons of         update

        500 Club              the Province or their widows who f nd themselves   Many of you are aware that on the
                              in distressed circumstances. As decisions are made
                                                                              26th October Grand Mark Lodge
                              locally it can provide help very quickly should the   celebrates its 150th Anniversary
                              need arise.  It can provide small local grants to local   with a Special meeting at the Royal
                              charities and it enables Somerset as a Province   Albert Hall in London. Indeed 146
        to support other Provinces when they have an annual festival for the Mark   members and partners from Somerset
        Benevolent Fund (National). The Lodges of the Province have been very   have applied to go to this meeting.
        generous over the years in support of this worthwhile cause and we hope   Unfortunately the Albert Hall can only
        that support will continue, but the demands on the fund always seem to be   accommodate 5,374 people and there
        increasing. Eric Kellet and John Nicholson have between them started a   were applications from 6,500.
        500 club the proceeds of which will all go to the Somerset Mark Benevolent   Of our 146 applicants 39 will not be
        Fund.                                                                 able to go to the Albert Hall. As an
        Many of you will be quite familiar with the concept of 200/550 clubs, for   alternative they have been offered
        those who aren’t the idea is that shares of £10 are bought by individuals,   seats at Freemason’s Hall in Great
        hopefully 500 of them (bearing in mind we have over 1000 members). That   Queen Street where the event will be
        will raise £5000, of that amount half goes directly to the Fund the other half   relayed live from the Albert Hall and
        is returned to the share holders in winnings from a prize draw to be held   displayed on large video screens.
        every month starting this September and running until next June, 10 draws.   Those who have not been able to get
        So far, thanks to the magnif cent efforts of John, Eric and Lodge Charity   tickets will have had an explanatory
        Stewards 340 shares have been sold.                                   letter from Mark G.L. There will
        It is not two late to join the club and support the fund as well as giving   inevitably be some disappointment
        yourself 10 chances of winning some good cash prizes. An entry form is   over this, bearing in mind that it
        enclosed with this magazine simply decide how many shares you would like   was intimated that places would be
        to buy, f ll in the form and return it. If you don’t have a form simply put your   allocated on a f rst come f rst served
        name, address and phone number on a piece of paper, indicate how any   basis, Grand Mark Lodge have tried
        shares you want and send it with your cheque for the correct amount to Eric   to quell any disquiet by putting on a
        Kellet, 23 Mendip Lea Close, Draycott, BS27 3SY.                      champagne reception at Freemason’s
                                                                              Hall after the event. The reception
        Prostate              Only £4,000 to reach the target of £20,000 to   will be attended by John Hale, the
                              enable the Province to purchase an endoscope
                                                                              M.W.Pro Grand Master and other
        Cancer                to complement the  “Brachytherapy” unit at Bath   senior members of the Mark Degree.
                              RUH Urology dept. It is now almost two years since   One Lodge remains unaffected by
        Appeal                the Mark Benevolent Fund donated £2 million to   all this, Royal Cumberland Lodge in
                              help in the f ght against prostate cancer. Compass   Bath, one of the four founding Lodges
                              carried an article in issue 23, May 2005 outlining the  of Grand Mark Lodge in 1856. The
                              donation and specif cally referring to the provision   Lodge will receive a new banner at the
         £20,000              of a £100,000 “Brachytherapy” unit to Bath RUH   meeting and all R.C. members who
                   Urology dept.                                              applied will get tickets.
                   This photo shows
                   David Nelson,                                                   Did You know?
                   accompanied                                                 The Portal Lodge MMM in Frome
                   by members of                                               takes its name from a very prominent
         £15,000   the Mark at the                                             Mark Master Mason. M.W. Brother the
                   off cial hand over                                          Rev. Canon George Raymond Portal
                   in December                                                 was the Grand Master from 1869 -
                   2004.  The                                                  1873. He became the f rst Provincial
                   machine sows                                                Grand Master for Hampshire and
                   tiny radio-active                                           Isle of Wight in 1873 serving in
         £10,000   pellets in the                                              that position until his death in1889.
                   prostate to reduce                                          However his lasting achievement was
                   the cancer.                                                 the founding of the Mark Benevolent
                   The staff at Bath RUH and particularly the Senior Consultant of   Fund in 1868. Portal felt very strongly
                   the Urology dept Chris Gallegos were delighted with the unit. Mr   that the Mark degree should have its
                   Gallegos subsequently attended the dinner at Provincial Grand   own charity and he was convinced
         £5,000    Lodge in May last year to thank the brethren and report on   that f nancial assistance could only be
                   progress. Our PGM says “I am delighted with the way Lodges   effective if it was dispensed quickly
                   have supported the endoscope appeal, despite all the other   and eff ciently. He introduced the
                   calls on their charity the response has been truly magnif cent.   Latin motto ‘Bis dat qui cito dat’ - ‘he
                   We have raised almost £16,000 so far and I thank the brethren   gives twice who gives promptly’  - this
                   sincerely for their kindness. I hope that their continued support   has always been the guiding
            £0     will the presentation of the endoscope possible by December”.  principle.                   3
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