Page 4 - Triangle Summer 2006 Issue 1
P. 4

Provincial         The annual meeting of               Mark Golf Day  2006
                            Provincial Grand Lodge was
         Meeting            held at the Webbington Hotel,
                            Axbridge on Saturday 6  May     Despite inclement weather an inaugural Mark Golf day was
                            2006 under the banner of the    held at Yeovil Golf club on Monday 26  June. Golfers were
                            Else Lodge of MMM No 102.       playing for the Provincial Grand Masters Shield and the
                            The meeting was well attended   day was organised by Richard Stone, who is Club Captain
                            by brethren of our Province and   at Yeovil this year.
        Provincial Grand Masters or their representatives from
        20 other Provinces.
        Appointments and Promotions. The PGM invested
        David Hanks of the Monument Lodge as his Senior
        Warden and Brian Hughes of the Nailsea Mark Lodge
        as his Junior Warden, he then continued to invest and
        promote a further f fty brethren of the Province.
        Not just for Off cers. The Provincial meeting is not all
        about appointing Provincial Off cers. It is an opportunity
        for “junior’ brethren to come along to make new friends
        and   enjoy pageantry and ambiance of the occasion. It
        is a meeting where all Mark Masters Masons whatever
        their rank are welcome, together with their wife or
        Ladies welcome! For some years now the Ladies
        have been invited to join us at the dinner after the
        meeting. This has always proved popular, this was no             The Provincial Grand Master
        exception 60 ladies came along and were entertained    presents trophies to Richard Stone, Martin Hares,
        by Mrs Jo Jeffrey who presented a ‘Festival of Flowers’          Colin Hope and David Perkins
        while Provincial Grand Lodge was in progress. Next
        year there will be a presentation on ref exology.   Twenty golfers took part in the event and despite
        Date of next meeting Saturday 5  May 2007 at        poor weather it was a very enjoyable event. The team
        3.30pm followed by dinner at 6.00pm.                competition was won by Martin Hares, Colin Hope and
                                                            David Perkins. Richard Stone won the longest drive
                Provincial Lodge of                         competition and the overall winner of the singles stableford
                                                            competition was Ray Guthrie with a score of 38 points.
                     Improvement                            The competitors enjoyed a splendid meal after the
        There appear to be some miss conceptions about the   golf presided over by our David Nelson our PGM who
        formation of the “Lodge of Improvement” which I would   presented the prizes  to the winners.
        like to clarify through the pages of this news letter. The
        Lodge of Improvement is an additional facility for Mark   Golfers - a date for your diary
        Brethren to receive extra tuition on the Mark ritual,
        may I stress that it is not a substitute for the Individual   Next years competition will be held on Wednesday 18
        Lodge rehearsals or Lodges of Instruction nor was it   July 2007 at Bath G.C. (Sham Castle). All golfers, Mark,
        formed to interfere in any way with what the Individual   Craft Chapter etc are welcome! Please contact Richard
        Mark Lodges arrange for their own rehearsals. There       Stone or Ray Guthrie if you would like to play.
        are two Preceptors one for the north of the Province
        and one for the south of the Province. At
        the inaugural meeting I was delighted to                      Obituaries
        meet representatives from nearly every   Due to space restrictions this news letter will not carry obituaries,
        Lodge in the Province and I sincerely   however May this year saw the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of
        hope that they will provide feed back
                                               two of our most distinguished  brethren, both Past Provincial Grand
        as to our “Aims and Objects” to all the   Masters of the Province. On Thursday 11th May David Palmer collapsed
        Lodges in the Province.                and died while attending the PGL Oxford meeting at Banbury. Four days
        David Nelson P.G.M                     later Jim Webber died at his home in Minehead.
                                               David Palmer was  advanced: 20  January 1956 in William Long Lodge
                L of I dates                   of MMM at Burnham on Sea, becoming WM in 1964. He was Provincial
        David  Platten  (01935862512)  will    Grand Secretary from 1978 until 1982, when he was appointed Deputy
                                               PGM. He held that off ce until 1986 when he was appointed PGM
        hold  a  meeting  of  the  Provincial  L   serving until 1997 when he retired. He was a tireless supporter of the
        of  I  (South)  at  Glastonbury  MH  on   Mark Degree right up to his death. In Knights Templar he was Provincial
        Wednesday 13  September at 7pm.        Prior for Somerset for over 10 years.
        Derek Wilton (01275545815) will hold   Jim Webber had a distinguished military career in WWII and was holder
        a meeting of Provincial L of I (North) at   of the Military Cross. He was Advanced into the Exmoor Lodge MMM 4
        Clevedon MH on Monday 18               December 1947 and became Master in 1957. He was Grand Treasurer
               Sept at 7pm                     in 1974 before becoming PGM of Somerset in 1976, he retired in 1986.
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