Page 8 - Triangle Summer 2006 Issue 1
P. 8

Provincial Annual Ball & Weekend 2007                                     Editor’s Column

        This event is always a popular one in the Somerset Mark calendar, superbly   When I f rst went into selling, a
        organised every year by Dorothy and Tony Snook, it really is something   long time ago! My sales manager
        special. This years Ball attended by 180 Ladies, Brethren and friend at the   was very fond of barking at me
        Redcliffe Hotel at Paignton on Saturday 8  April was another great success.    “Guthrie, the art of communication
                                                            Next year the     lies with the communicator” Like
                                                            Ball will be held   most young salesmen I thought my
                                                            at the Redcliffe   manager was quite barmy but I soon
                                                            on Saturday       learned to appreciate the wisdom of
                                                            25  March. But    these particular words. One to one
                                                            it isn’t just a   communication should be simple but
                                                            Saturday event,   good communication with a large
                                                            there are a range   group of people is not something
                                                            of options from   that is easy to achieve. Although
                                                            arriving at Friday   we all try at a Provincial level to
                                                            lunch time and    keep you informed of what is going
                                                            departing after   on sometimes we just don’t get the
                                                            lunch on Sunday   message across.
                                                            to just coming    I had a communication failure
                                                            for the Ball on   reminder  in July when I enquired of a
        Saturday. Most of us make a weekend of it. Arriving in time for a leisurely   keen golf ng Mason, who was at the
        dinner on Friday, then spending Saturday out and about, a visit  to Brixham   time also the IPM of his Lodge, if he
        or Dartmouth or even shopping in Torquay!!                            intended playing in the Mark Provincial
        Come and join in the fun! Your Lodge secretary should have details, if not   Golf competition the following week. “I
        contact Tony or Dorothy Snook on 01934 838170                         don’t know anything about it” he said
                           Craft v Mark Bowls day                             “haven’t heard a thing”. It was then
        The third annual Mark v Craft bowls competition was held at Shepton Mallet   that I thought we really must do better,
        Bowls Club on 27  July. The Craft team proved too strong and the Mark lost   and so the Somerset Triangle was
        by 61 rinks to 51. However as usual there was much banter and laughter   born.
        during the event which was followed by a very pleasant buffet lunch. David   Why the Triangle? As all Mark Masons
        Jenkins on behalf of the Craft accepted the trophy from Ray Guthrie for the   know the triangle is the Mark Masters
        second year and looked forward to making it three in a row next year!  Mark of approval of the work and those
                                                                              of us who are Royal Ark Mariners
                     New Provincial Charity Steward                           know that the Triangle is the symbol of
        Tony Old who was appointed Provincial Charity Steward in 2004 is shortly   the degree.
        moving to Spain and the Provincial Grand Master has been pleased to   I would concur very much with the
        appoint Eric Kellet of the Mendip Mark Lodge as the new Provincial Charity   sentiments expressed by David
        Steward. Eric has been heavily involved in the setting up of the 500 club   Nelson in his welcome article. The
        with John Nicholson. We wish him well in his new role and of course we   Mark has been well supported by the
        wish Tony old well in Spain and thank him for his efforts as Charity Steward.  Craft and by Compass over the years
                                                                              and we hope that will continue. The
                    Provincial Secretary’s crib sheet                         Triangle has another job to do but
        Dear Secretaries,                                                     not just to give you reminders and
        I would f rst of all like to thank all Lodge secretaries and scribes for all their   forward planners for your diaries!
        hard work and cooperation. It is appreciated not only by me but by the PGM.  Although there are lots of those in
        Could I gently remind you that at Installations and Advancements you   this issue. The Triangle will help keep
        should make sure that you issue the latest BofC and bylaws.           you abreast of what is happening in
        I know it is diff cult and you rely on your members informing you but please   the Province and provide articles of
        try to keep addresses up to date and inform Province of changes asap.   particular interest to Mark Masons and
        It is a little late for this one as the book has just appeared but make sure you   Royal Ark Mariners.
        carefully check the proof entry to the Somerset Masonic Reference book   Like the PGM I look forward to
        and return it promptly.                      John Penny, Provincial Secretary.  receiving you comments and your
                                                                              input for future magazines, I hope you
                          The Travelling Ark                                  enjoy the Triangle.   Ray Guthrie

        The Travelling Ark is the sister vessel of the Somerset Travelling Keystone,
        but here of course it’s purpose is to help promote visiting in the Royal Ark   The Somerset Triangle is produced
        Mariner degree. The Ark’s progress for 2006/7 will be as follows.        for the Provincial Grand Lodge of
        Bath TI  to Portal RAM at Frome, Wed 20  September, 11.00 am.           Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
        Portal to Fidelity & Unanimity RAM, Taunton, Fri 13  October18.30              Editor, Ray Guthrie
        Fidelity & Unanimity to Thackeray RAM, Clevedon, Mon 4  December 19.00  Address, Kynance, Timsbury Road,
        Thackeray to Nailsea RAM, Wed 10  January 18.30                          High Littleton, Bristol, BS39 6HL
        Nailsea to Cerdic RAM, Chard, Wed 14  March 18.45                              Tel 01761471275.
        Cerdic to Herbert Fuller RAM, Wincanton, Mon 4  June 18.30               email;
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