Page 6 - Triangle Summer 2006 Issue 1
P. 6
20th September 2006 - An important day for our Province
On the 20th September 2006 at 11.00 am the Provincial Grand Master assisted by the senior
off cers of the Province will consecrate the Portal Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners at the Masonic Hall
Frome. This is the culmination of 18 months hard work by John Price, the founding secretary and
his co-founders. Portal RAM lodge will be the 11th lodge in the Province and by coincidence it is
eleven years since the last RAM lodge was consecrated, the Somerset Past Commanders Lodge.
This is a very special day for the Province and the Provincial Grand Master would appreciate the
support of as many brethren who are Royal Ark Mariners of this Province as possible, particularly
the Commanders and Wardens of the other Lodges in the Province. The programme starts at
10.45 am, with the consecration at 11 am, This will be followed by the installation of the new
Commander and appointment of his off cers. The ceremony will be followed by lunch (£10.00) at
approximately 1.00pm.
If you can attend, please contact John Price on 01373466667 or email before
Wednesday 13th September 2006
Calling all Commanders! Heard the one
Visiting is one of the great pleasures of Freemasonry especially about the giraffe
in the Mark and Mariner degrees. So why not make the most of
your year as Commander by trying to visit the other 10 Royal and the dog?
Ark Mariner Lodges in the Province, you can be sure of a warm
welcome. This list of all the meetings for the next 12 months will
help you plan your year. Installations are shown in bold. If you The traditional image of Noah’s Ark as used
intend to stay for a meal after the meeting contact the Lodge in a Royal Ark Mariner Lodge is one of a
Scribe. wooden hulled boat with a ‘bungalow’ on top.
Cerdic, Chard, Thurs 7 September 18.15 On Royal Ark Mariner documents the ark is
Irwin, Keynsham, Mon 18 September 18.45 shown with the dove bearing an olive branch
Portal, Frome, Wed 20 September, Consecration 11.00 above it as in (f g 1) which is taken from the
Herbert Fuller, Wincanton, Mon 25 September 18.30 cover of the tracing board ritual. On RAM
Thackeray, Clevedon, Mon 2 October 19.00 summons the representation of the ark is
Nailsea, Wed 11 October 18.30 similar, wooden hull, ‘bungalow’ and dove
Fidelity & Unanimity, Taunton, Fri 13 October 18.30 (f g 2) indeed there are many different
William Long, Burnham, Fri 27 October 19.00 styles but the content is always the
Bath, Wed 1 November 18.30 same.
Exmoor, Minehead, Fri 10 November 18.30 If you should visit Nailsea Masonic
Irwin, Keynsham, Mon 20 November 18.45 Hall, check out the honours board
Thackeray, Clevedon, Mon 4 December 19.00 for Nailsea RAM No 1548 (f g
Nailsea, Wed 10 January 18.30 3) and you will see the familiar
Fidelity & Unanimity, Taunton, Fri 12 January 18.30 wooden hull, the ‘bungalow’
William Long, Burnham, Fri 26 January 19.00 f g 1 but no dove, instead you will see a
Thackeray, Clevedon, Mon 5 February 19.00 giraffe! With the giraffe there is a large dog of
Portal, Frome, Wed 21 February 18.30 indeterminate breed.
Exmoor, Minehead, Fri 23r February 18.30 I am reliably informed
Installed Commanders, Burnham, Sat 24 February 11.00 that when the Lodge
- The PGM will open a Royal Ark Mariner Assembly was founded in 1990
Herbert Fuller, Wincanton, Mon 26 February 18.30 the sign writer who
Bath, Wed 7 March 18.30 decorated the honours
Cerdic, Chard, Wed 14 March 18.45 board was not an Ark f g 2
Nailsea, Wed 14 March 18.30 Mariner, he was given
Irwin, Keynsham, Mon 19 March, Installation 18.30 such a poor photocopy of the ark that his
William Long, Burnham, Fri 23 March 19.00 interpretation was somewhat different from
Thackeray, Clevedon, Mon 2 April 19.00 what was intended. Thus
Bath, Wed 4 April 18.30 Nailsea RAM has a unique
Fidelity & Unanimity, Taunton, Fri 13 April 18.30 honours board and a unique
Cerdic, Chard, Wed 23 May 18.45 image on the lodge summons.
Herbert Fuller, Wincanton, Mon 4 June 18.30 Surprising sometimes where
Exmoor, Minehead, Fri 8 June 18.30 lodge ‘traditions’ spring from!
Installed Commanders, venue TBA, Sat 9 June11.00 Ray Guthrie, Founder
Portal, Frome, Wed 13 June 18.30 f g 3. Nailsea RAM Nailsea RAM No 1548