Page 1 - Triangle December 2007 Issue 3
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                                              ISSUE 3 - December 2007
                                                              occasions. It will be available from your Lodge
       2008 - 150 years of Mark                               Secretary in March 2008. The price of £10 includes
                                                              a donation to the Somerset Mark Benevolent Fund.
       Masonry in Somerset.
                                                                                      Henry Howard
        2008 is an important year in the history of our                               Molyneux Herbert,
        Province when we will be celebrating the 150                                  4th Earl of Carnarvon.
        anniversary of  the appointment of the f rst Provincial                       1831 to 1890 was an
        Grand Master in Mark Master Masonry in Somerset,                              English politician and a
        The Earl of Carnarvon who was appointed in 1858.                              leading member of the
        To commemorate the occasion our Provincial Grand                              Conservative Party. He
        Master has decided to hold a Gala Dinner. This                                became the 4  Earl on
        will  take place at the Webbington Hotel on Friday                            the death of his father in
        19  September 2008.  There will be an informal                                1849. His political off ces
        reception at the Hotel at 6.30 pm followed by a                               included, Secretary of
        seven course dinner at 7.30. The dress code for                               State for the Colonies and
        this event will be Dinner Jacket and Posh Frocks                              Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
        for the Ladies. It is hoped that as many members      He was also a prolif c Freemason. Initiated in 1856
        as possible of the Mark Degree will attend with their   by the following year he was Prov S.G.Warden
        wives / partners.  Guests either Masonic or Non       for Hampshire. He was appointed PGM (Craft)
        Masonic will also be welcome. Why not think about     Somerset in 1868, Deputy Grand Master in 1870.
        arranging a Lodge Table?                              After installing Edward, Prince of Wales (Edward
        Tickets will be limited to 250 and the cost will be   VII) as Grand Master (Craft) he became Pro Grand
        £35.00 per head. (£10.00 per head will be required    Master in1875. He was our Mark PGM from 1858 to
        as a deposit together with a post dated cheque        1879. In Mark Grand Lodge he was Deputy Grand
        of £25.00 per head, dated 31  July 2008).The          Master 1857 - 60 and  Grand Master 1860-63.
        booking form should be returned to the co-
        ordinator John Lendon, by the 1  May 2008.            The Travelling Keystone celebrates nineteen years of
                                                             touring the Province in 2008. The idea was f rst sugested
                         A New Mark Tie!                     by David
                                                             Nelson when
                         To further commemorate the          he was Master
                          150  anniversary of the Province   of Somerdale
                           the Provincial Grand Master       Mark Lodge
                           has selected a design for a       in 1989.
                                                             Since then
                            new Provincial tie. The design   it has been
                            comprises stripes in the mark    responsible
                             colours of blue and maroon,     for creating
                             with a gold wyvern (the symbol   many new
                              of Somerset) surrounded by     friendships
                                                             and the idea
                              the outline of a keystone with   has been
                               the legend 150 beneath. The  copied by other Provinces.                 Photo; Pat Morrisey
                               P.G.M hopes that members      At the September meeting of Somersdale Mark Lodge,
                                will f nd the new tie suitable   Derek Chandler the Master receives the Travelling
                                for wearing at non-Masonic   Keystone from the Provincial Grand Master. Looking on are
                                                             (LtoR) the advancee, Paul Mayer. Derek Shailer, Provincial
                                 as well as Mark Masonic     Deputy Secretary and John Morgan, Provincial Secretary.
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