Page 4 - Triangle December 2007 Issue 3
P. 4
Come to the
Provincial Ball &
Mark weekend 4th
to 6th April 2008.
Held at the Redcliffe Hotel Paignton this very
popular event in the Mark calander has been organised for
many years by Dorothy and Tony Snook. The object of the weekend
is for everyone to have a good time! As these photos from this year
event clearly show. If you would like to join the party contact your
Lodge secretary for full details. Photos from top left clockwise show, the PGM, David Nelson and
his wife Catherine, The Provincial Secretary, John Morgan triping the light fantastic, Neil Hurcum,
Pat Morrissey and Peter Elmont practice their Ark Mariner ritual in the hotel pool. The Provincial
DC is not quite sure what to do next. Hazel and Ray Guthrie with a table of revellers!
Photos; Pat Morrisey
The Scottish Constitution and the Mark Degree
The Mark Degree plays an important and integral part is found uninjured the candidate is congratulated on
within both the Craft and Royal Arch Chapter of the his skill and ability and as recompense may now be
Scottish Constitution. The Mark is the fourth degree advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master
of Scottish Craft Masonry. There are no Mark Aprons, Mason. He then retires to be received back into
normal Craft regalia is worn. Advancement may take the Chapter in due form. After a formal introduction
place in a Scottish Craft Lodge or Chapter. he selects his Mark, is paid his wages, obligated,
In the Craft advancement the ceremony is similar to invested with the secrets by the Senior Warden and
that used in English Mark Lodges. presented with the working tools. In an alternative
In Royal Arch Chapter, advancement to the Mark form of Chapter advancement the candidate enters
degree is necessary before being allowed to ‘pass with an example of his own work which is examined
the veils’ and become an Excellent Master, prior to by the Right Worshipful Master. If this is approved
being exalted as a Companion. This ceremony takes and the candidate provides proof of his rank as a
interesting and alternative forms. Master Mason to the Wardens, he then chooses his
In one, the candidate who must be a Master Mason Mark, receives his wages and takes his obligation as
enters the Chapter with the deacons, wearing a Mark Master Mason.
large operative aprons and carrying material from The Mark Lecture is delivered in all three forms of
the quarries. The material is examined and advancement ceremony. David Platten
4 rejected by the overseers. When the stone