Page 2 - Triangle December 2007 Issue 3
P. 2
Mark golf
Day at
Bath Golf
What a summer! It
was pretty awful but
the sun shone on
Mark Masons and
their friends for the
annual golf day on Photos by Derek Wilton
18th July at Bath Golf Club.
42 golfers took part, the course was in excellent
order and we had great weather conditions. John
Knight won the Provincial Grand Master’s sheild
with the best stablefod score. The Pensive Putters,
comprising Malcolm McNeil, Ray Parker, Dean
Bradwell and John Knight took the team prize.
Diary Date The 2008 competition will be held
at Enmore Park G.C. Bridgewater on Thursday
17th July.
The Hanging Chapel
The Chapel of St Mary Eastover
It was a school from about 1706 and continued as such
until 1790.
From 1809-1816 it was let to Colonel Pinney for the local
militia to use as a store.
In 1827 it was let to Mr Burt for £3 per annum and in 1843
‘ the east and west guard walls were rebuilt’ and at this
time, ‘the f re engine was stored in the Chapel Gardens’.
In 1843 it was let to Mr E Quekett for a museum and in
1891 it was let to the present occupants, The Portcullis
Lodge No 2038, who are responsible for the upkeep of
the building.
On the 26 July 1988 Portcullis Lodge of Mark Master
Masons No 1656 held its f rst meeting in the hanging
chapel and are the only Mark Lodge in the Province who
can truly say “that they meet over the road”. Barry Baker
In his book, ‘Langport and its Church’, the late Reverend
DM Ross says, “a commission was held in Langport
Church in 1317 about the appointment of a head of
Cannington Priory and about this time, the Hanging
Chapel was built. It was in existence before the manorial
Accounts of 1344 and was then called the The ‘Hanging Photo; Colin Pruett
Chapel’ . It was used as the Town Hall between 1547 In September the Canynges Lodge of MMM
and 1600 and in 1596 reference is made to the hall in Bristol was 150 years old. To celebrate this miles
commonly called the ‘Hanging Chapel’, which the whole stone our PGM David Nelson attended a very special
town of Langport so use the said Chapel for a place for meeting of the Lodge at the Park Street Centre. He was
consultation about such causes as they have in hand”. supported by this group of Brethren from Carnarvon
An important message from Ken Wheadon, Cerdic Lodge Almoner.
If you know of a brother who is ill or is having problems, or who may have a close relative who is very ill, let your
Lodge Almoner know NOW. Dont worry that he may already know, he would prefer to be told twice than not at all!
You can f nd your Lodge Almoners phone number on your summons or in the Somerset Masonic Ref book.