Page 6 - Triangle December 2007 Issue 3
P. 6

Masons            During my holiday in Spain this    Mecca, which possesses a blinding decoration of marble
                           year I was determined to visit one
                                                              and sculpted Byzantine mosaics.
         Marks             of the most impressive Spanish
         in the Great      Cities in Andalusia that of Cordoba
         Mosque at         which is situated north of Malaga.
         Cordoba, Spain.   Considering that a car drive
                           from the coast would take about
         by David Nelson   3 hours we decided to travel to
                           Cordoba by train which is a story
                           in its self. To add some interest
        to the photographs I have added a very short history to
        put the city into historical perspective. The great city of
        Cordoba was the capital of the Spanish Muslim dynasty
        of the Ummayads (756-1031). The Great Mosque of
        Cordoba (La Mezquita) was founded about 785 AD. It
        was added to and expanded over the next two hundred
        years to make it the third largest structure in the Islamic
        world.  The prayer hall (approx 23,400 square yards)   In the museum there was a very large display of the
                                                              imprints of the builders marks which I was able to
                                                              photograph and show in this article. These Marks as can
                                                              been seen are quite different to those we have seen in
                                                              the English Churches and Cathedrals.When Cordoba
                                                              was captured by the Christian Spanish king of Castile,
                                                              Ferdinand III, in the 13th century, the mosque reverted
                                                              to a Christian sanctuary. Then in 1523, the local clergy,
                                                              with the support of Emperor Charles V, built a cathedral
                                                              in the middle of the mosque. Cordoba is said to be
                                                              the City where Columbus planned his voyage to the
                                                              Americas after securing funds from King Ferdinand and
                                                              Queen Isabella. My visit to Cordoba was quite inspiring
                                                              but in the heat of the day at approx 42 degrees it was
                                                              refreshing for Catherine and I to visit the cool interior of
                                                              this magnif cent building previously a Mosque and quite
                                                              expertly converted to a truly wonderful Cathedral.
        is f lled with almost 500 hundred slender columns and
        superimposed striped arches; it just looked like a forest   The annual meeting of Provincial
        sprouting from the marble f oor.  Previously the site had   Grand Lodge of Somerset will be held
        been occupied by a Christian church dedicated to Saint   at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday
        Vincent that had been built by the Visigoths around
        500 AD. Before that, when Cordoba was a provincial              3rd May 2008 at 3.30pm.
        capital in the Roman Empire, the site was occupied by
        a temple dedicated to Janus, the double-headed god of   ALL Mark Master Masons are welcome
        doorways and gates. In this great Muslim temple, I was
        impressed by the enormous size of the building and did     Provincial Off cers, your attendance at
        appreciate its magnif cence in each corner and the detail   Lodge Installations is appreciated by the
                                                                          Provincial Grand Master
                                                               Mark Lodge Installation Programme 2007/8
                                                                     Lodge    No        Date        Off cer

                                                              Portal                 155    28-Feb-08    Pr.DC
                                                              Quantock               749     5-Mar-08    PGM
                                                              Royal Cumberland       TI     12-Mar-08    DPGM
                                                              Somerdale             1608    20-Mar-08    PGM
                                                              Royal Sussex           177    25- Mar-08  Pr SEC
                                                              Mendip                 781    25- Mar-08   PGM
                                                              Carnarvon              119    21-Apr-08    PGM
        of the f nely sculptured patterns around the arches.   Hallam                730    23-Apr-08    PGM
        The examples of the central octagonal dome, richly    Exmoor                 697    8-May-08     PGM
        decorated with polychrome mosaics; the Mihrab, or the   Somerset Instl.                                1652  2-Jun-08  PGM
               place to which a Muslim must look for it faces   Masters
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