Page 3 - Triangle December 2007 Issue 3
P. 3

Endoscope             Those  of  us  who  have  been  in   Regular          At a meeting of Charity
         appeal                Masonry  and  Mark  Masonry  a                        Stewards and Almoners at
                               long time have seen many appeals  Payment
                                                                                     Burnham, presided over by
         update                come  and  go.  We  are  fortunate,                   the Deputy PGM, Ray Guthrie,
                               most of us are able to contribute  Promises
                                                                                     in October, one of the most
                               and hopefully we will not have to                     important points discussed was
        call upon the charity or service that we are helping. But we  that of payment promises. The following is an extract
        never know what is round the corner, as this letter from David  from the minutes of that meeting.
        George demonstrates. The item to which David refers can be  The DPGM outlined the reasons why Charity Stewards
        found on the BBC website, go to the BBC news website, type-  should try to obtain more payment promises from
        prostate cancer- into the search box, this gives a number of  Lodge members (regular giving formally know as
        links, click on link titled “ Treating Prostate Cancer, video”  covenants). The PGM would like to build up the
                                                                Somerset Provincial Mark Benevolent Fund for the
        Dear Ray,                                               following reasons;
              Sitting watching Points West earlier this week (6 Nov 07)      1. To be able to give greater f nancial support
        an item came on about advanced treatment for Prostate Can- to the Mark Benevolent Fund by making a substantial
        cer. As I had been diagnosed at the beginning of this year    donation to the Mark Province that is running the
        as having this disease I  was very interested to learn of what   annual festival for that Charity.
        these new advances comprised.                                  2. To be able to offer more support to our
                Imagine my surprise when the surgeon, Mr Jon Mc-  own Somerset brethren who may f nd themselves in
        Farlane, who had performed my operation, came on screen   diff culty. (In addition to the JJ Weber Fund.)
        and  was explaining the new techniques which I now as-         3. To support local charities with individual gifts
        sume he had used when perfoming my operation.I was also   from the fund or in combination with Lodge gifts.
        very gratif ed to hear the programme give credit to the Mark      4. To reduce the burden on Lodges when
        Master Masons of Somerset who had generously contributed  special projects are launched, i.e. the Wraxall Hospice
        £25,000 towards the funding for these researches.       or Endoscope appeal. If we had a f nancially strong
                Of course I f rst read it in the Triangle!      fund then in such cases half the money could come
                Between my operation and the subsequent Radio   from the Fund and half from Lodges.
        Therapy my treatment has been successful and I will know   Payment promises are tax eff cient, for every £1
        for sure when I see the Oncologist in early January 2008.   donated a further 28p is reclaimed by the Province
        What a fantastic New Year’s present.                    from the Inland Revenue. Keith Fisher (charity Rep
                As I believe that Charity should begin at home I am   South) has calculated that if payment promises of £600
        deeply grateful to all of the Brethren in the Somerset Mark   per Lodge per year (10 members giving £60 or 20
        Degree who contributed to the magnif cent sum of money   members giving £30 per year) were made for a period
        presented to the RUH on the 26th January this year. Com-  of four years the Somerset Provincial Mark Benevolent
        bined with the expertise of the surgeon Mr Jon McFarlane,   Fund would increase by £70,000.
        the care and attention of the Nursing Staff and the generosity
        of the Somerset Mark Benevolent Fund I am now well on the     500 CLUB LUCKY WINNERS
        way to a full recovery. Many, many thanks to all concerned.      Draw             Name         Lodge
        David George, Royal Sussex Lodge of M.M.M.  No 177
                                                                    Mar-07   Bro. Ray Harris              177
                                                                             W Bro. Cerryl Sahoy           TI
         500 Club is now the 600 club!!                                      Bro. Bob O’Malley White      781

                                                                    Apr-07   W Bro. Robin Bex             730
        Last year, the f rst year of operation, 460 shares were bought       W Bro. Chris White.          128
        in  the  500  club  and  £2,300  was  raised  for  the  Somerset     W Bro. Mike Waterman         162
        Masonic  Benevolent  Fund.  This  year  the  Provincial  Charity
        Representative for the North John Nicholson, the co-ordinator   May-07  W Bro. Mike Cotton        1608
        of  the  project,  reports  that  nearly  600  shares  have  been    W Bro. Pat Morrissey         102
        bought by generous Mark Masons throughout the Province.              Mrs Susan Todd               155
        John  would  like  to  thank  Eric  Kellet  the  Provincial  Charity
        Steward, Keith Fisher - Provincial Charity Representative for   June-07  Mrs V Cross              1295
        the South, all Lodge Charity Stewards and Lodge members              Bro. P.Harris                807
 Photo; Colin Pruett
        who have generously contributed.                                     Bro. S.John Smith            781
        This year prizes will be drawn every month between September
        2007 and June 2008 to the value of 1  £150, 2  £60. 3  £40.   Sept-07  Mrs P Vaillant             571
        Draws take place at a different Lodge meeting every month,           Bro Barry McCormack          119
        so far the draw has been conducted in 12 Lodges, leaving a
        further 9 to be visited.                                             W.Bro. Fred Kyte             119
        There is still time to join in this years draw, just ask your   Oct-07  W Bro. Frank Parsons      1656
        Lodge Charity Steward for a form. This years effort means that       Bro. Brian Hordle            348
        £3000 has been raised for the Somerset Masonic Benevolent
        Fund!                                                                W Bro. Tony Robins           162
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