Page 2 - Triangle Spring 2018 Issue 23
P. 2

The Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners

        The ever popular Assembly meeting met for the second year at  All  newly  Elevated  Royal  Ark  Mariners  since  the  last
        its new venue; a happy setting for all concerned.        Grand Assembly had been invited as Provincial Guests &
        Somerset is the only Province in the country to invite the ladies  the PGM personally welcomed each in turn.
        to join the brethren at the Festive Board that follows the Annual  A special moment came with the investment of Provincial
        Meetings & consequently now not only are they invited to attend  Royal  Ark  Mariner  Grand  Rank  by  the  PGM  to  the
        the Mark Annual Provincial meeting, but the Royal Ark Mariners  following W.Brethren:-
        Assembly also!                                                    F.A.Silver-Bath TI,  K.W.Kelly-128,
        Under  the  critical  eye  of  the  Provincial  Grand  Director  of  R.P.Hutchings-191, M.P.S.Bajona-348,
        Ceremonies, W.Brother Mark Golding, & to the strains of the     W.R.Newton-571, P.R.A.Thresher-697,
        organ,  the  various  groups  processed  into  the  Lodge  room    N.Hurcum-730, & A.Douglas-967.
        accompanied by much applause, the opening hymn was sung &  Finally, R.W.Brother John rose to address the Provincial
        the Assembly was opened in due form.                     Grand  Assembly,  thanking  all  for  the  planning  of  the
        The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Somerset, John  meeting, the many guests & all the brethren of Somerset
        Graham  Morgan,  was  saluted  by  all  present  after  which  he  who helped in many ways to make this Grand Assembly
        welcomed the many guests from other Provinces, including three  a pleasure for all.
        Provincial Grand Masters.                                The Closing Hymn was sung & the PGM, accompanied
        From Monmouthshire, R.W. Bro. Derek Thomas, who later in  by his Provincial Team & the many Guests & brethren all
        the Ceremony presented a talk entitled,                  retired in procession. After a very crowded trip to the bar
             ‘The Royal Ark Mariner Degree through the Ages’     & a relaxation in the sunshine, all took their seats with the
           Truly ‘A Daily Advance in Masonic Knowledge’ for us all!  ladies for a very happy Festive board. All rose for the
        He was accompanied by his Deputy PGM both of whom are Mark  Loyal Toast & the brethren for the Grand Master. This was
        Master Masons of this our own Province of Somerset.      followed by a sincere but tongue-in-cheek appreciation
        From Cornwall, R.W.Bro. Kevin Hicks, R.W. Brother Hicks was  for  our  Provincial  Grand  Master  by  his  Deputy,  Philip
        well supported by the attendance of his Deputy PGM, Assistant  Voisey. The toast to the Visiting Brethren & Ladies was
        PGM, Provincial Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Provincial  given  by  the  Provincial  Grand  Junior  Warden  David
        Almoner.                                                 Hutchings  &  the  special  day  ended  with  an  extra
        FromWiltshire, R. W. Bro. Andrew Beaumont,               appreciation from R.W.Brother Derek Thomas, PGM for
        It was indeed a full house & the Assembly was also pleased to  Monmouthshire.
        salute  R.W.Brother  David  Brian  Nelson,  Immediate  Past  ….Copy/pics…Ed…
        Provincial Grand Master for Somerset & three Past Deputy Grand  With many thanks to Ian Strickland, Provincial Grand
        Masters  of  Somerset,  V.W.Brothers  A.Patrick  Parker,  Geoff  Secretary, for all his help.
        I.Nash & Raymond Guthrie.

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