Page 6 - Triangle Spring 2018 Issue 23
P. 6

“T he Nelson” still going str ong!

        W.  Brother  Peter  Civil,  Past  Master  of  the
        Royal  Cumberland  Mark  Lodge,  Time
        Immemorial,  is  a  Tractor  enthusiast.  Whilst
        attending  the  North  Somerset  Tractor  Show
        with  his  tractor,  he  had  the  good  fortune  to
        notice the ‘Blood Bikes Riding for Life’ Stand.
        There for all to see was the very bike, “The
        Nelson”  presented  by  Right  Worshipful
        Brother David Brian Nelson, Immediate Past
        Provincial Grand Master for Somerset in 2014,
        on behalf of all Somerset Mark Master Masons.
        It  is  still  going  strong  &  they  are  all  most
        Peter has restored two tractors, one from 1946
        &  the  other  1962.  He  is  currently  Senior
        Overseer  in  his
        Lodge & holds the
        Provincial Rank of
        Past    Assistant

              Exmoor Lodge Presentation to Minehead Hospital

         The Brethren of Exmoor Mark Lodge, No. 697
         who meet at the Masonic Hall, Minehead, have
             happily raised money to enable them to
           purchase a Clinitek Status Analyzer for the
         Outpatients Department at Minehead Hospital.
             This piece of equipment analyses Urine
         extremely quickly and gives an accurate print-
              out of invaluable and comprehensive
         information. This enables consultants to make
          diagnoses without the need of visual checks
               using dip sticks and colour charts.
            The Picture shows, from left to right…
              Worshipful Master, Chris Summers.
                      Sister Linda Arscott.
                       Emma Werbitzky.
                         Hillary Bulpin.
             John Lendon, lodge member & Hospital
                Andrew Hadley, Charity Steward

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