Page 8 - Triangle Spring 2018 Issue 23
P. 8
SAMM’S Team Snippets from our in-house reporter!
I told June it needed cutting!
This very old photograph was found Wellington’s
when clearing out the archives at the Monument Lodge
Minehead Masonic Hall. One picture is better than a
Do you know the young man? On the an example to thousand words!
rear is written “Installation of Mr A J”. us all
The rest cannot be read!…….ANON
Over the last year our W Master Les Neville’s raffle
raised £570 from four meetings. This was an incredible
generosity from our members and visiting brethren, as
normally we only have between 23 to 28 brethren at
each meeting.
This was topped up by £250 from Province making a
grand total of £820. It was donated to Wellington
Hospital League of Friends on Tuesday the 21 of
November 2017.
The photograph shows….W. Brothers Les Neville,
Mike Condick. Garfield Taylor & Richard Dunn with
Annette Cardwell, Wellington Hospital League of
Friends Chairperson…Copy/pic…Richard Dunn.
T r a v e l l i n g A r k Travelling Keystone
2018 2018
26 February Irwin to Herbert Fuller 15 Jan. Carnarvon to St. Andrews
23 March Herbert Fuller to William Long 26 March St. Andrews to Royal Sussex
13 April William Long to Fidelity & Unanimity th
26 April Royal Sussex to Portal
8 June Fidelity & Unanimity to Exmoor
5 May Portal to Provincial Meeting
1 September Exmoor to Royal Ark Assembly
The Somerset Triangle Magazine is produced for the Provincial
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Somerset
The Editor would be pleased to receive articles, news & photographs for possible
publication, but reserves the right to edit them if & where necessary.
Contact… or
Quamvis sum parva tamen audior per arva