Page 5 - Triangle Spring 2018 Issue 23
P. 5
William Long Lodge 191 Provincial 600 Club Winners
Royal Ark Mariners Open Evening
Each Draw takes place at a different lodge each month.
The winning numbers are selected electronically.
Prizes are:- 1 £150, 2 £100,
3 & 4 £50.
Dear Readers,
A Happy New Year to you all. Here are the
results of the first four Draws of 2017/18
that were delayed because I was waiting
for those Brethren who were late in
It was one of those nights when it was much nicer to
be indoors. subscribing. However, I am now pleased to
A night when the company of friends is welcome. be able to inform you of the results of the
Perhaps the libations before the meeting helped.
The welcome from everyone certainly never goes amiss. first four Provincial 600 Club Draws for 2017
The wide ranging address covering all aspects of
becoming Royal Ark Mariner from W Bro Phil Voisey - 2018.
was probably the clincher.
However to really know why three of the invited Mark
masons decided to ask about membership immediately
after the presentations were over you will have to ask The lucky winners in the first Draw were: -
them. W Bro. Andy Johns of Mendip Mark Lodge No. 781
This you need to understand was before they had been Mrs Margaret Lock of Quantock Mark Lodge No. 749
near another drink and before the William Long W Bro. J A Nicholson of Royal Sussex Mark Lodge 177
undercover arm twisters had even suggested they might R W Bro. John Morgan of Hallam Mark Lodge No. 730
require some encouragement.
Even before eyeing the promised “Substantial supper” The lucky winners in the second Draw were: -
let alone tasting the warming soup (and croutons – W Bro. Norman Crang of William-de-Irwin Mark Lodge
gorgeous man sized cheese topped ones at that) 162
followed by a choice of Fish or Steak and Kidney pie W Bro. Mike Holman of Quantock Mark Lodge No. 749
-or even both for some hearty appetites. Bro. Richard Ferris of Royal Sussex Mark Lodge No.
For whatever reason, William Long RAM has three 177
good potential candidates, one for the meeting in Bro. David Preece of Quantock Mark Lodge No. 749
March (protocol and members permitting) and two for
the next Commander. The lucky winners in the third Draw were: -
It’s not the first time there has been a successful Mrs Sandra Carter of Portal Mark Lodge No. 155
Open Evening held at Burnham. It’s a happy way
W Bro. Tony Guthrie of Carnarvon Mark Lodge No. 119
to focus attention and concentrate thoughts on
Miss Charlotte Nicholson of Royal Sussex Mark Lodge
recruitment into Masonry or progression in a
masonic career. …..Vernon Harding/Barry Davies
Bro. John Bateman of Cerdic Mark Lodge No. 571
The lucky winners in the fourth (Christmas) Draw were: -
Bro. James Brown of Quantock Mark Lodge No. 749
Mrs Janet Thomas of Monument Mark Lodge No. 1295
Mrs Helen Hayes of Monument Mark Lodge No. 1295
Miss Corrina Nicholson of Royal Sussex Lodge No.
Yours sincerely & fraternally