Page 4 - Triangle Spring 2018 Issue 23
P. 4
P r o v i n c i a l S e c r e t a r y ’ s C o r n e r
At the commencement of 2018 may
Provincial Grand Master. This meeting is also open to all
I take this opportunity to wish you
Assistant Secretaries/Scribes and Assistant Directors of
all a very Happy, Peaceful and most
Ceremonies. Further information will be sent to all Lodge
importantly, a Healthy New Year. I
Secretaries/Scribes in due course.
look forward to meeting as many of
you as possible in the months ahead,
Mark Grand Lodge Annual Investiture
and trust that we shall all continue
to enjoy that special friendship and th
Tuesday 12 June, 1.00pm Freemasons Hall, Great Queens
fraternal camaraderie which renders
Street. Further details to follow.
the Mark degree unique within the
Throughout the year all the Provinces and Districts under
canon of Freemasonry.
the direction of The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons
hold their Annual Meetings. The Province of Somerset is
For your Diary.
invited to a good number of these. The Provincial Grand
Master would welcome any brethren from our Province who
Provincial Mark Weekend
wish to join him or his Deputy at such meetings. It is
The Annual Mark weekend will this year be held at the
intended to include a list of forthcoming dates and venues
Woodland Grange hotel, Royal Leamington Spa 23 -
on the website; when this is running please book via me if
25 March. This is a new venue at which the Provincial
you wish to attend.
Grand Master would welcome your support. Booking
forms may be downloaded from the website or obtained
from your Lodge Secretary.
The PGM, DPGM, W.Masters and W.Commanders
welcome your support whenever possible at meetings and
Provincial Meeting
events and don’t forget the Camera for that special picture
in your Triangle.
The 2018 Annual Provincial Meeting of Mark Master
Masons will be held at the Webbington Hotel on
Triangle Magazine and Provincial Website.
Saturday 5 May commencing at 3pm (brethren to be
seated by 2.30). This year we are to be honoured with
The Triangle magazine and the Provincial web site rely on
the presence of the Pro Grand Master Most Worshipful
your input to provide information for members in the
Brother Raymond John Smith, along with the Grand
Province (and beyond). Please don’t simply leave it to others
Secretary and Grand Director of Ceremonies. The
but supply both the editor and web master with your own
Provincial Grand Master would obviously like as many
articles about past events and forthcoming ones.
Brethren to attend as possible. Again your individual
The Provincial web site is
copy of the Provincial Summons and reply slip for those
not only a source of news but also Provincial Summonses,
wishing to dine are included with this copy of the
booking forms and a selection of material for Lodge
Triangle. Those Brethren who are to be appointed
Secretaries. Please make good use of it.
Provincial Officers for the forthcoming year have
already received a booking form for dining with their
Keystone Online
letter of appointment (if you have replied already there
is no need to book again). As you will know, this is the
For lodge Secretaries the Keystone Online web site run by
only Province in which ladies are invited for dinner
GLMMM is an ideal medium for keeping track of your
following a Provincial meeting. For the benefit of the
Lodge membership as held by Grand lodge. Please don’t
ladies, entertainment is provided during the afternoon
forget to check all details are up to date on a regular basis.
whilst the meeting is in progress. Hopefully you will
Provincial Ties at £10 or £15 and Tokens at £1.50 are
be able to attend together with your wife / partner.
available from the Provincial Grand Secretary.
Secretaries/Scribes and Directors of Ceremonies
The annual meeting for Lodge Secretaries, Scribes and
Provincial Grand Secretary.
Director of Ceremonies will be held on Thursday 23rd
August 2018 at Wedmore Masonic Hall. On this
occasion the meeting will be chaired by the Deputy