Page 4 - ECOLATEX_Product catalogue_New colour theme_Neat
P. 4


                                      As  one  of  Sri  Lanka’s  highest
                                      yielding  rubber  plantation
                                      companies and a pioneer in rubber
                                      manufacturing  in  South Asia,  our
                                      commitment  to  the  highest
                                      standards  of  quality  forms  the
                                      backbone of our operations.

                                      We   h ave   u n d e r t a ke n   b e s t

                                      m a n a g e m e n t   p r a c t i c e s   i n
                                      agriculture  whilst  conforming  to
                                      social,  environmental,  and
                                      economic considerations that are
                                      audited and certi ed according to
                                      the  standards  set  by  the  Forest
                                      Stewardship  Council™,  Germany,

                                      t h r o u g h   a n   i n d e p e n d e n t
                                      certi cation  body.  We  have  been
                                      awarded the FSC™ certi cate for 12
                                      successive years since 2010.

                                                                   Sleep with Nature
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