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International Certi cation and Testing Con rmations

          ECO Institute GMBH, Germany
          “Tested for Hazardous emissions and VOC (volatile organic compounds). Tested for Chlorophenol
          (Below limit of determination 0.1mg/Kg)”
          This test is done by the ECO institute Gmbh (Germany) for the residue of harmful chemical  llers,
          synthetic rubber and hazardous components and emissions in the product. This assures that the
          latex mattress or sheet excludes harmful chemicals, consist of natural or organic latex and is in
          accordance with the ECO test criteria.

          Associated Laboratories, California, USA
          “Compliance to California Proposition 65 Law for non-detection of Carcinogenic substances”  PROPOSITION
          Prop 65 includes a wide-ranging list of chemicals, many of which are contained in commonly
          used products, which can cause cancer and birth defects and to reduce or eliminate exposures
          to those chemicals. These chemicals are tested on products of concern in the state of California.

          Rubber Consultants, UK
          “Tested for Butadiene con rming only 100% natural latex is used” This test checks the latex foam
          for any additions of  llers or synthetic latex blend. This test con rms that Eco Latex only uses
          100% natural latex.                                                                             TESTING

          100% Natural, “Zero blended”
          Our products are manufactured exclusively with 100% natural latex. No llers or synthetic
          latex is added.

          Carbon Footprint (In Progress)
          A carbon footprint is the measure of the environmental impact of a particular individual or
          organization's lifestyle or operation, measured in units of carbon dioxide.

          OEKO Tex
          Tested for harmful substances including illegal substances & legally regulated substances
          in textile raw materials. The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 is an independent testing and
          certi cation system for textile raw materials, intermediate and end products at all stages
          of production.

          Control Union, Netherlands
          Global Organic Latex Standards (GOLS)
          Certi cation con rming that Rubber trees are grown in a USDA certi ed organic plantation
          and latex foam is manufactured while protection the local communities livelihood and the
          environment from toxic discharge.

          Control Union, Netherlands
          Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS)
          This certi cation con rms that fabrics used in the products are made of certi ed organic  bers per
          Global Organic Textile Standards

         Forestry Stewardship Council, USA
         Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certi cations con rm that the plantations are managed responsibly
         in accordance to world forests certi cations. The certi cations focus on :
            Being environmentally Appropriate: Protecting and maintaining natural communities and high
            conservation value forests.
            Being socially Bene cial: Respecting the rights of workers,community and indigenous people.

          TUV Rheinland LGA Products GMBH, Germany
          “Tested for Stability and durability” This test evaluates the durability and the resilience. It is essential
          to check the physical properties and hardness of the mattress core to ensure quality and assess the
          life. The LGA certi cation is a mark of long lasting durability with an intended purpose.
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