Page 27 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
P. 27
The Two Sides of a Coin
By Allan Wadmore
When we think of dogs, what just so easy to please and will
immediately jumps to mind? Do we willingly drive thousands of miles
think of them as just pets only, pets each year, sacrificing all or many
first then show animals after, or just weekends and adding tons of carbon
showing stock? However we choose into the atmosphere just at a time
to view them, it’s undeniable that when the world is suffering a geo-
dogs have become very much part pollution crisis like never before in our
of our everyday lives. Above all, history. Some might say that’s a
however, they will experience some character assassination of show
sense of belonging with a safe shelter goers, yes, I will apologise, but you
although be it sometimes within the know it’s true but just can’t bring
confines of a cage for the owner’s yourself to admit it. But there is
convenience. Driven by routine, the another side to dogs which many in
need for food and water, most will ‘dogdom’ don't see.
experience being part of a family And this is the flip side of the coin...
group for better or worse.
On the occasions these days that I’m
dragged ringside at shows, I find
myself in an artificially contrived
world with beautifully turned-out
dogs with immaculately brushed
coats, trimmed ‘finger’ nails, mascara
and talcum powder! Most will be on
their best behaviour (well the dogs
anyway!), dutifully following the
commands of their mentors who
expect them to do unusual tricks like
walking around in circles, following
the leader at the end of a piece of
string and then suffering the indignity
of being prodded and poked by a
complete stranger! The participants
will then be rewarded for their efforts A few months ago I was in southern
with some grubby morsel produced Turkey and I had strolled into the
from a pocket or waist bag. But the city park in the heart of Izmir,
ultimate prize, which appears to Turkey’s third city. Cradled in an inlet
make their handlers delirious, is a on the beautiful Aegean coastline,
piece of recycled cardboard if you separating Europe and Asia, I was
are lucky to have known the judge experiencing a life-threatening 43
well enough to be on last year's degrees at 10 am ... (not a typo!).
Christmas card list! Some folks are