Page 28 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
P. 28

The park gave a welcome respite of  What a beautiful moment that was!
        shade  provided  by  a  canopy  of  But somehow this was different from
        majestically tall trees.  The beautifully  my  usual  encounters  with  dogs.
        manicured grass was sprinkled with  Glancing  around  as  if  to  seek
        water  daily,  its  edges  and  flower  authority, I saw there was no obvious
        borders  meticulously  maintained.  owner  in  sight.  The  dog  wasn’t
        The  heat  and  heady  smell  of  wild  wearing  a  collar.  A  closer  look
        crocus, dahlia and lilies was enough  revealed a ring in its ear like one you
        alone  to  make  anyone  feel  drowsy.  might expect to see on a cow, pig or
        Bougainvillea  and  Clematis  weaving  a goat. It bore three or four numbers,
        their way to the sunlit uplands, hung  followed by several letters.
        limply from the trees contributing to  My  curiosity  was  aroused.  The  dog
        a  confusing  tapestry  of  colour  and  appeared  friendly  enough,  it’s  long
        beauty.  The air was punctuated with  coat in fair condition, claws cut and
        a variety of squawks and shrieks from  oh, those eyes! So admittedly, with
        the  wild  exotic  birds,  the  distant  a degree of trepidation, I reached out
        legendary  hooting  of  car  horns  and  and  gently  stroked  the  dog's  head.
        the  invasive  sound  of  the  Mosques  Following this initial encounter, most
        calling to prayer.  The panting of the  days  when  I  visited  the  park  again
        keep-fit brigade as they dutifully plod  this dog was often in much the same
        past going about their constitutional  place and always greeted me with a
        routines, the characteristic sound of  controlled  enthusiasm  of  a  gently
        flip-flops on the hot ground and the  wagging tail.
        occasional  white  vapour  trails  of
        aircraft  unapologetically  scoring  the
        deep blue cloudless sky.  It all offers
        a  perfect  opportunity  to  put  the
        newspaper  down  and  settle  as
        comfortably  as  possible  into  the
        typically ill-fitting park bench, clearly
        not designed by an ergonomist, and
        drift  into  the  land  of  dreams  and
        make believe.

        I was awakened somewhat suddenly
        from my slumbers by the weight of
        the head of a dog on my knee.  Not
        a small dog but at least the size of an
        adult GSD.  The surprised look on my
        face probably resembled the moment
        of homing of a doctor's finger on the
        appropriate organ during a prostate  My taxi driver was fluent in English
        check! I woke alarmed and cautiously  so  no  prizes  for  guessing  the  topic
        withdrew my hands from my lap to    of conversation the following morning
        my  chest  in  an  anticipated  act  of  when  he  collected  me  from  the
        self-defence.  This  dog  continued  to  hotel; I told him of my encounter.
        sit  beside  me  unflinching  while  it
        engaged  me  in  direct  eye  contact.  Apparently, this dog was one of
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