Page 32 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
P. 32
Another lovely example of the kind
ingenuity of the Turkish people.
This vending machine in Istanbul
dispenses dog food for homeless
dogs when people put bottles in for
Happy Dog Days By Sue Lindsay and Talis
(Mezanda Mystic Starman)
Cowbridge Dog Day Out, run by the Rotary Club for charity, asked if I could
help out this year by running an agility class alongside their beauty show.
After discussion down the local, we changed this to an obstacle course as it
would be far more inclusive for everyone, with the bonus of being easier to
set up. The obstacles were a series of hoops to walk through, three jumps
comprising of upside down laundry baskets and broom handles, hula hoops,
a weave comprising of horse electrical fence posts and a ‘find the treat’ game
using three upside down cones, all of which can
easily be set up in a back garden.
Talis came with me as chief demo dog so I took
him round our course to make sure everything
was in order, immediately finding a slight
problem! Being Talis, he decided that the upside
down plastic waste bins sporting the obstacle
order number MUST be hiding an enormous treat
and proceeded to knock them all over!
(After a few goes I managed to get Sir
Demolition to switch to standing on them
instead, which his admiring public enjoyed.)
The event was a huge success and we were kept
busy from noon till 4 with a wide range of Talis having been persuaded
customers having a go then coming back again to do his stand trick rather
later as their dogs enjoyed themselves so much. than knock all our bins over.
Talis was also kept busy taking children without
a dog around the course so they didn’t miss out on the fun.
We have such a fun loving breed, so why not build a puzzle/obstacle course
for your Keeshond and get some great photos for the next magazine or
calendar! Happy play time.