Page 31 - Autumn 2024 Newsletter Online_Neat
P. 31
worldwide but these memorable good place for years and there is an
situations encountering animals I absolute need for adult conversations
have only ever seen in Turkey. at “senior level” to recognize and
Women would endlessly come and embrace all aspects of loving
go in the park with pet carriers and Keeshonds.
would collect cats and release
kittens throughout the day. I requested that Club members
Goodness only knows what they should be offered guest attendance
were doing with them, but all at Committee meetings so they could
appeared happy, well fed and see what the Committee was doing
friendly. It’s not surprising therefore, for the breed. The bonus being that
that in Turkey most domestic dogs if they liked what they saw, they
were from the recent ancestry of the might be tempted to join the
Committee and enrich the thinking.
street dog and obviously accounts for
the surprising similarity in all dogs in It was unwelcome and was never
Izmir! Poodles, Pugs and Poms are adopted. As I said in my last post,
as rare as rocking horses and are not when we show, we indulge in a leisure
seen anywhere here. activity so it’s my opinion that we
should be represented by additional
Now, amongst our Club membership choices on the Committee’s agenda.
of course, thankfully, there are far I declined massive pressure, from
more members who just enjoy both inside and surprisingly, outside
their pet dogs without feeling the the Committee, to become an Officer
need to show, some obsessively so. as I wanted the freedom to debate
I welcome our new magazine which and promote a more varied agenda
attempts to reach out to all aspects without the shackles of politics but
of dog ownership, pet owners, always knew at some point I would
breeders and show-goers alike. pay the price! But sometimes these
Representing pet owners was just one things need to get out. Sometimes
of the reasons why I wanted to serve it is difficult to believe but we do
on the Keeshond Club Committee. I collectively own the Club, or do we?
have experienced showing, (very Things need to change. I’ll be in even
successfully), breeding for succession more trouble now… so, ‘nuff said!
planning and now am just a dedicated
lover of this special breed as a pet So, my experience with the Izmir dog
owner. Somehow, I survived for 4 has been a lovely one. These
years on the Committee before being intelligent, God created creatures
have done nothing to disappoint. I
‘removed’ following a completely
illegal suspension! I would often cast will be returning just before
a lonely figure in my quest to reach Christmas to Izmir for a week, so
out and embrace the existence of our it's my hope that the first dog I
majority membership. Of course, it encountered with those ever-so
was always going to be an uphill special eyes will be there to meet me
struggle. I’ve served on many again! If he is, he'll get a warm
Committees and without doubt the welcome and perhaps a sausage or
most effective have encouraged a two from my breakfast table. I might
broad cross section of views. In my even adopt him, but I'll let you
opinion the breed has not been in a know... bless!