Page 11 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 11


                    The story of a great kennel - Part one.

                                  By Jane Saunders
        The Ven Kennel was one of the most  kennel maid at Evenlode met Mrs Fort
        influential and successful of the post  and  this  was  to  lead  to  a  lifelong
        war  kennels  but  the  story  started  friendship  between  Barbara  Glover
        back in the 1930s when as a young   and  Mollie  which  was  to  span  two
        married  woman  Mollie                          continents and 50
        Collins  first  obtained                        years.
        the breed. Mollie’s first
        name was in fact Mary                             The beginnings
        but  for  some  reason
        Mollie   became   the                           The following account of
        name by which she was                           the    first   meeting
        generally known.                                appeared  in  the  May
                                                        1965  Keeshond  Club
        From  my  childhood                             newsletter Mollie wrote
        recollections Mollie and                        the  following  in  that
        her   husband    Jere                           issue:   “One   spring
        always  showed  great                           evening in 1932 I went
        kindness  and  were  a                          to  see  Miss  Hastings
        fount of knowledge to                           and her family and was
        a Keeshond mad child.                           taken for a walk by her
        We used to be given a                           down the fields with her
        day  off  school  to  visit                     Keeshonds.
        the large Southampton  Mollie Collins           The enchanting sight of
        show  on  the  common                           these  fluffy  white  tails
        opposite my grammar school. I would  like  bouncing  rabbits  disappearing
        make straight for the dog show where  into the dusk was one of the factors
        Mollie  and  Jere  were  always  to  be  which made me lose my heart to this
        found on the benches with whatever  charming breed. It ended up by my
        Kees they were showing at the time.  taking  home  with  me  two  puppies.
        A packed lunch stowed safely under  Fuzzy  and  Buzzy  by  Miss  Hastings’
        the bench and I was in my element!  imported  Black  Bock  out  of  Orania.
        They always had time for people and  Fuzzy lived to be 17 years of age and
        were  prepared  to  share  their    ended her life with me in the USA”.
        knowledge and expertise with others.
                                            Put  to  Birtsmoreton  Jon,  Fuzzy
        In the 1960s the Ven kennel was at  produced  Mollie's  first  show  dog,
        its height with a string of champions  American  champion  Black  Peter.  In
        owned and bred by Mollie resident at  the same article Molly recalls her first
        Ven.  The  real  story  of  Mollie's  club show at Tattersalls
        addiction  to  Keeshonds  started  30  Knightsbridge.
        years  before  when  as  Mrs  Richard  ” I was the proud winner of a highly
        Fort she visited Miss Hastings’ famous  commended card which put me into
        Evenlode  kennel.  A  young  student  transports of delight until eaten by its

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