Page 9 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 9

This should apply to ALL breeders
        - not just ABS members. No-one      A  current  list  of  Keesies  who  have
        can say that they haven't got or    been scored or have
        never had a problem in their line   had an eye test can
        or  their  breeding  unless  they   be  found  on  the
        have the data to back it up. If a   Keeshond     Health
        breeder  hasn’t  had  their  dogs   Matters web site.
        tested, then they can't say they
        haven't  got  or  never  had  a
        problem - end of.

                       KCCGC PHPT Research

        The  Kennel  Club  Canine  Genetics  of analysing the results and updating
        Centre  is  continuing  to  work  on  sample records.
        finding  the  genetic  variant  that  Recently  an  updated  version  of  the
        causes PHPT in Keeshonds.
                                            canine  reference  genome  has  been
        The existence and use of the DNA test  released (called CanFam4), which is
        from Cornell for such a long time has  better  quality  and  has  fewer  gaps
        made  the  project  quite  a  bit  more  than   the   previous   version
        challenging.  While  the  test  is  not  (CanFam3.1). We have therefore had
        perfect, the marker that it detects is  to  realign  all  200+  of  our  whole
        probably quite closely linked with the  genome sequences against the new
        unknown PHPT causal variant and as  reference which was a monumental
        a result fewer clinically affected dogs  effort and took a long time. We will
        are being born, which means that we  now re-analyse the Keeshond whole
        have  fewer  robust  samples  at  our  genome sequence data to see if there
        disposal for the research. In addition,  is  anything  new  and  interesting
        the genotypes that dogs have for the  that wasn’t there in the first round of
        existing DNA test muddy the waters;  analysis.  We  are  also  still  looking
        we can’t be sure how accurate they  at  the  possibility  of  using  linked
        are.                                markers  to  develop  a  test  and  we
                                            have a couple of promising markers.
        While  we  have  received  many  DNA
        samples  from  Keeshonds  over  the  However,  the  challenge  is  to
                                            determine if they would be any more
        years  only  a  small  proportion  have
        reported  any  status  with  regards  accurate for detecting PHPT than the
        to PHPT. We contacted many owners   existing DNA test is.
        in  2022  to  request  that  they   We would like to thank the Keeshond
        complete an online questionnaire, in  community  for  their  continued
        an  attempt  to  fill  in  some  of  these  support  and  patience.  We  are  also
        gaps. We have had 79 responses (of  frustrated  by  the  lack  of  obvious
        which  only  53  completed  the  full  progress but are doing the best we
        questionnaire) and are in the process  can.

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