Page 14 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 14

Ch. Dutch Uncle and Tassel. Smug,   and went on to win the non-sporting
        owned by Mrs Muschamp, and Dutch    group.
        Uncle, had spectacular show careers  The success of this litter secured The
        and regularly shared top honours. In  Dorcas  Brood  Bitch  trophy  for
        1963,  the  two  took  the  double  at  Vanderveer in both 1962 and 1963,
        W.E.L.K.S.  under  Miss  Hastings.  as well as runner up in 1961. These
        Dutch Uncle quickly followed this with  wins  also  secured  Ven  the  Norton
        CC  and  Best  of  Breed  at  Chester,  Trophy for top kennel in 1963.
        where  his  younger  full  sister  Aunt
        Susan of Ven took the RCC. He won   The  mating  was  repeated  and  this
        his crown at Leicester under Mr. A. O  time  produced  the  beautiful  Aunt
        Grindley.  The  judge  in  his  critique  Susan of Ven. This was Vanderveer’s
        made  the  following  comments:     last  litter  and  her  offspring,  Aunt
        “Lovely  dog  in  beautiful  coat  and  Susan, and Uncle Henry, were named
        condition. Right on top of his form.  in memory of the last of the human
        Beautifully  balanced  throughout,  Vanderveer’s.  Sadly,  Uncle  Henry
        most   attractive   in   head   and  died young due to hard pad despite
        expression, neat ears, sound in body  having  been  vaccinated  and  all  the
        and quarters and lovely feet and legs.  effort of his new owner.  Aunt Susan
        Most  alert  and  showed  briskly  and  was  a  beautiful  bitch  and  a  worthy
        soundly,  never  leaving  the  decision  champion. She took the reserve CC
        in  doubt  for  one  moment.  CC  and  at Crufts when only nine months of
        BOB,  which  makes  him,  in  my    age.
        opinion, a very worthy champion. He
        quite took my eye from the moment
        he entered the ring.”
        Tassel  stayed  at  Ven  and  did  some
        good winning, including the bitch CC
        at Birmingham City in 1963. She was,
        however, usually in the shadow of her
        litter  sister  Berryvale  Smug.  In  the
        1963  yearbook.  Mollie  described
        Dutch Uncle’s success in the following
        “Shown  fearlessly  under  all  judges
        has  at  9  championship  shows  this  Ch Aunt Susan of Ven whelped 1962
        year won 4 CCs and five reserve CC's.  She  was  in  the  ring  with  Tassel’s
        His  first  crop  of  puppies  is  very  daughter Vivandiere and Saskia (so
                                            had stiff competition) but she won her
        At the same time, his sister Berryvale  third CC and title at WELKS in 1965.
        Smug  of  Ven  had  won  6  CCs.  By  At Chester the year before, she had
        1966, Dutch Uncle had gained 9 CCs  shared  the  honours  with  her  full
        and  been  Best  in  Show  at  open  brother, Ch. Dutch Uncle, where, as
        shows. One of his best wins came in  usual,  she  was  shown  by  Jere.  I
        1965 when he won best of Breed at   remember  the  beautiful  painting  of
        Bournemouth  Championship  Show     her  which  later  hung  in  Barbara

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