Page 13 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 13

Queen  Mary,  when  16  Keeshonds        New start in England
        crossed the Atlantic in style.
                                            News  of  Mollie  and  Jere  Collins
        Miss Glover told me a sad tale of how  appears again in the breed notes of
        she had become separated from her   8th  February  1952  when  it  was
        Hagerose  of  Evenlode.  Apparently,  announced that they had returned to
        having  arrived  in  the  USA,  she  England  and  were  settling  in  the
        needed to return to England to sort  Salisbury area.
        out  permits  and  other  business  to
        enable her to return long term. But  They soon acquired a dog puppy and
        war broke out and it was impossible  naturally returned to Miss Hastings’
        to  get  back.  Mollie  did  everything  kennel.  Evenlode  Young  Geron.  (By
        possible to get Barbara's belongings  Int. Ch. Rayvalen Geron of Grovelyn.
        back  to  her  and  apparently  some  ex Wren of Evenlode) was purchased
        successfully  made  the  perilous   as  a  pet  for  their  young  son,  Tom.
        journey  across  the  Atlantic,  but  Geron was registered in Tom’s name
        others did not. Hagerose was never  and shown by him with considerable
        able  to  be  reunited  with  her  owner  success.  Whelped  in  1951,  he
        and died in America.                achieved his title in 1956. During the
                                            same  year  he  achieved  two  of  his
        Richard  Fort  had  been  promoted  to
        President of ICI (New York) in 1938,  tickets  and  several  reserve  CCs.  As
        but  with  the  outbreak  of  war  his  Tom Collins was at school and Mollie
        skills  were  needed  by  the  British  and Jere in America, Barbara Glover
        Government and he joined missions   handled  Geron  to  his  second  CC  at
        charged with buying wartime supplies  Bath under Leo C. Wilson. His third
        from the US. He returned to the UK  CC followed at Richmond under Miss
        in 1941 and worked for the Ministry  Cousins. Geron died of a heart attack
                                            in  1965  and  was  greatly  missed  by
        of Supply in London for the duration
        of the war.  He remarried in 1943 and  all at Ven. He proved a useful stud
        entered politics.                   and  in  addition  to  Vanderveer  of
                                            Vordon sired Ch. Rahida of Rhinevale.
        Jere Collins was a dog enthusiast and
        probably  met  Mollie  through  their  Irene  Tucker  of  the  famous  Vorden
        joint hobby. Registration documents  Kennel used Geron at stud on her Ch.
        of the time showed him as co-owner  Veraura of Vorden. Mollie Collins had
        of some of the Van Sander dogs. The  booked a bitch puppy from the litter
        friendship  must  have  blossomed  as  and requested the pup be registered
        they married after the war.  A smooth  Vanderveer  after  a  Dutch  family
        fox terrier man, Jere had one of the  known  to  her.  Vanderveer  was  to
        leading kennels of them between the  become  the  foundation  bitch  of  the
        wars. However, on marrying Mollie,  Ven Kennel. Vanderveer proved to be
        they  were  gradually  phased  out  in  not only a good showgirl, gaining her
        favour  of  Keeshonds.  He  had  a  title  in  1959,  but  also  a  valuable
        Smooth  Fox  Terrier  as  a  pet  for  a  brood.  She had two litters by Ch. Big
        number of years, but always said that  Bang of Evenlode, whose sire Young
        he had married Kees and was content  Tom  was  litter  brother  to  Young
        with them.                          Geron.  The  first  whelped  in  1960,
                                            produced Ch. Berryvale Smug of Ven.

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