Page 2 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
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Welcome to your Spring 2023 Newsletter!
                     Firstly, a big apology for the lateness of this edition.  After three
                     and a half years of meticulously and successfully avoiding Covid
                     I picked it up at a family funeral and topped it off with a nasty
                     chest infection which, in combination, wiped me out for weeks
                     and delayed your Newsletter in the process.
        It’s now early June and there have been a further two bereavements for us.
        Life can be cruel but it’s true what they say, there’s always a light at the end
        of the tunnel and a reason to keep going if you look hard enough.
        A big thank you as always to those who’ve contributed to this edition and
        make it such an enjoyable and informative read.  Please forgive it not being
        quite up to my usual standard but it was important to get it out to you ASAP.
        It’s looking like we might be in for another scorching summer so out with
        those floor fans again, please, for our furry family members; there’s nothing
        they like better on a hot day than lounging lazily downwind of a powerful fan.
        And don’t forget that, although the Newsletter now has a digital presence, if
        you would prefer to be sent a paper copy you just have to let our secretary,
        Geraldine, know in good time as they are still being printed as well!

        Up with those tails everyone!                              Editor (Kit Wadmore-Smith)


         3     Secretarial Notes            25  Keeshond Walk
                                                 - L Axford
         4     Obituaries                   27  Our Friend Rose - J Naylor

         7     Keeshond Welfare             28   Discover Dogs - Iain, Kitty & Gill
         8    Health Testing                30   The Continuing Adventures of
              - KC Health Coordinator            Brody - L McCorrie
         10   Patter of Little Paws         33   The Cup of Excellence
              - KC Health Coordinator
         11   Ven - Part One - J Saunders   34   Cinders  the Singleton Puppy
                                                 - S Newman
         16   The Dancing Queen             38  Farewell Tributes
               - S Lindsay and the Mezanda Keeshonds
         18  January Open Show Results      Back cover - Diary, Welcomes
             - M Matthews                        and Committee
         20   Fundraising

         22   Wits, Wisdoms & WOPS      Contributions for the Autumn
                                        2023 Newsletter gratefully received.
         23  Dental Care - V Marshall   Please send to Kit:
                                        Deadline Sept 13th 2023

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