Page 3 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 3

Centre  in  London  in  November  and
                                            was  very  well  presented  by  some
                  Secretarial               lovely  dogs.  My  thanks  to  all  those
                                            who made it a successful weekend,
                  Report                    including  Anji  from  the  North  of
                                            England Keeshond Club for her help.
                                            A  fuller  report  is  further  on  in  this
                                            Numbers  of  dogs  at  the  shows,
                                            including  our  own,  continue  to  fall
        Dear Members,
                                            which  makes  one  wonder  if  we  will
                                            ever  recover  from  the  effect  of  the
        I  am  sorry  to  have  to  report  the  Covid lockdown?  With this in mind
        passing  of  several  members  at  the  we have decided that the Kennel Club
        end  of  last  year.    The  first  being  Building  is  far  too  big  for  our
        Danny  Udani.  He  was  actively    Championship    Show   and   have
        showing his dogs in the 1970's and  decided to give Roade a try for this
        80's  and  after  a  short  break  was  year.
        back in the ring again in the 90's.  I
        didn't  know  him  personally  but  I  Gill  Brunt  has  taken  on  the
        understand  that  he  was  at  the  responsibility  of  the  Club  Trophies
        Blackpool   Championship     show   and has compiled the results for the
        chatting to old friends.            Annual  Trophies,  which  will  be
                                            presented at the Club's AGM on the
        Ron Nuttal sadly passed away about  19  March. I understand that we still
        the same time as Len Howie. Ron and  have some trophies that haven't been
        his  wife  Doreen  owned  Keesland  returned and ask that you all check
        Jumping Jack Flash of Vandome and   to see if you are holding any of our
        Ch  Desanti  Nijinsky  of  Vandorne.  cups.
        Obituaries  for  Len,  Ron  and  Danny
        are further on in this edition.     The  Versatility  Awards  have  been
                                            reinstated  this  year  and  the  results
        Our condolences go to their families  of these will also be presented at the
        and friends.
                                            AGM. My thanks to Karin Hickson for
        I hope you will join me in wishing our  compiling these.
        Show Manager / Catering Manager,    We  hope  that  those  of  you  who
        committee member etc., etc., David  received the Autumn Newsletter via
        Matthews, a speedy recovery from his  email were pleased with the result. I
        recent  stay  in  hospital  and  we  look  am  happy  to  report  that  after  our
        forward to seeing him up and about  request  for  feedback  on  the  online
        very soon.
                                            version of the newsletter there were
        I  have  also  recently  heard  that  our  very few people who would prefer to
        past Chairman, Pam Luckhurst, has   receive their copy by post. The trees
        had a nasty fall and has moved to be  are happier too!!!
        closer to her daughter.
                                            Some  regular  contributors  to  the
        Discover  Dogs  was  represented  by  Newsletter are unhappy that we have
        the  Keeshond  Club  at  the  ExCel  attempted  to  get  the  publications

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