Page 5 - PMO Connection_v51
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                                                                           APC Fiber

       The APC Fiber to Distribution
       Program is an effort to install Fiber in locations across the state of AL to significantly
       enhance the speed, reliability and redundancy of the SCADA traffic in the areas where it
       is deployed. The network objectives include more effective coordination between these
       devices, deployment of state-of-the-art complex “self-healing” redundant networks, and
       more effective energy efficiency systems (CVR) throughout the APC footprint. This
       program will also install AMI meters for use with the One Minute Data effort and enable
       the opportunity for the use of leftover "dark fiber".  This project is a shared leadership
       project, being co-led by Gail Greif and Melissa Ledbetter.

                       Enterprise Foundations

         The Enterprise Foundations (EF) Project is currently hyper focused
         on completing the core design for the entire effort.  Additionally, EF
         is going through a project re-plan effort.  The current plan calls for a
         release date of 5/1/21.  This release plan calls for Electrics, Gas, SCS
         and HR to be delivered in a unified release.  The decision has been
         made to bifurcate the releases by Electrics/SCS (R3) and Gas/HR
         (R3).  The specific timeline is expected to be identified by the end of
         November 2020.  The goal will be to deliver Electrics/SCS mid-
         2021 and Gas/HR in early 2021. The Electrics began the phase of system integration
         testing (cycle 2) in mid-November 2020, with a January 2021 completion. R3
         deployment planning will begin in January 2021. READ MORE

              Reading Wind                                                           Central Alabama

       The Reading Wind Facility in Kansas is                   The Central Alabama-Combined Cycle
       Operational! This initiative, which is                   Project Acquisition by APC Project was
       expected to annually offset more than 10                 successfully implemented on 8/31/2020!
       percent of Royal Caribbean’s emissions,                  Alabama Power purchased a combined
       is the latest addition to that company’s                 cycle electric generation plant located in
       extensive sustainability efforts, which                  Central Alabama from a privately owned
       include programs to reduce greenhouse                    company called Tenasca.
       gas emissions through innovations at sea
       and in port. READ MORE                                   This was the first acquisition of this type
                                                                by Alabama Power!
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