Page 201 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 201

1.  Division Profile:

                   The  sanctioned  strength  and  operated  strength  of  HYB  division  of  all  departments
                   (excluding Accounts & Security) as on 01.12.2022 are as under:
                          Group            Sanctioned Strength             Operated Strength
                         Group”A”                    31                             26
                         Group”B”                    31                             27
                         Group”C”                  7013                            5729
                           Total                   7075                            5782

                2.Dept. wise Sanction, Actual, Vacancy & Excess Position as on 01.12.2022:
                    S.No  Department               Sanc.    Act.        Vac.      Excess

                    1       ADMINISTRATION           45         53          0              8
                    2       CIVIL ENGG.             2619       2037       582              0
                    3       MECHANICAL              1385       1235       150              0
                    4       OPERATING                985       804        181              0
                    5       COMMERCIAL               455       341        114              0
                    6       SIG & TELE               433       376         57              0
                    7       ELECTRICAL               814       655        159              0
                    0       MEDICAL                  120        97         23              0
                    9       PERSONNEL                77         67         10              0
                    10      SCHOOLS                  80         64         16              0
                            GRAND TOTAL            7013  5729           1292               8

                                                                                            Net Vacancies:  1284

               3.  Manpower Planning:

            Efforts are being made to achieve the targets fixed by the Hqrs.  The details for the last
             3 years are as under:

                               Year              Target      Surrendered              Percentage

                                2020-2021             72           153                100%
                                2021-2022              71          71                  100%

                                2022-2023             140          76            54%(Up to


                 4. Recruitment (Year 2022 (Upto 01.12.2022):

                 4.1  Recruitment of RRB/RRCetc.,  candidates:

                                       CG  PHQ  Sports  LARSGESS  Others/GDCE
                      RRC      RRB                   Quota                                          Total
                       49       69     49      0       00            0               35             167

   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206