Page 203 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 203
2 Loco Pilot 17 17 0 0 -
3 Loco Supervisors/ 38 31 7 0 1. CLI assessment is under process
CCC/CC/CPCOR/ for 6 vacancies. Notification issued
- on 30.11.2022
PCOR Inspectors
Total: 634 574 60 0
4 Guards 271 225 58 12 1. Indent placed for 16 vacancies on
2. Sr.Pass/Guard – 34 vacancies –
Assessment is
under process.
3. Assessment approved for 37 vacancies
in the category of Sr.GG. Suitability under
4.Goods Guard 60% Quota – 30 vacancies:
PPC is in progress up to Dec-2022. Once
PPC is completed they will be promoted.
5 SS/SMs 268 241 27 0 1.Indent placed on RRB for 70 posts on
14.02.2019. Papers awaited
6 Track Maintainers 1642 1289 353 0 1. 31 Track maintainers in pipeline
(Rozgar Mela 3).
2. An indent for 568 RRC papers
pending. Document verification is
under process
8. Court Cases.
9.1 Details of Pending Court Cases:
Details of Court cases dealt during the years 2019-2020, 2020-21 & 2021-22 are as under:
Year Opening Accrued Total Cases Won Cases Closing
Balance Lost Balance
2020-21 78 28 106 13 1 92
2021-22 92 15 107 17 0 90
2022-23 90 30 120 8 1 111