Page 206 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 206

12. Settlement Cases:

                   The details of NR & ONR cases accrued & cleared for last 3 yrs are as under:
              Year                    NR                               ONR

                        Accrued     Cleared  Balance  Accrued  Cleare                        Balance
            2020-21        231        231          0          87           77   10(10 are dispute cases)

            2021-22        101        101          0          81        69       12 are dispute cases remaining

            2022-23        144        144          0          49        48      1 latest case - under process

            13.   Payment of WCA / lumpsum Exgratia: NIL

            Details of cases pending for payment: Nil

                   No.of       No.of  WCA       No.of Ex-gratia                  Remarks
                   cases     cases pending      cases pending
                     Nil            Nil                Nil                                Nil

            14.    Updating of SRs. 5702   SRs and LLRs have been updated against  5729  employees.
            27 SRs and LLRs are to be received from other Divisions/Railways.

            15.    Seniority  Lists:  All  the  seniority  lists    are  released  as  on  01.01.2022    in  the  form  of

            16.     Issue of Identity cum Medical Cards: A Photo ID card Printer Hi Ti CS 300 model has
            been procured and ID cum Medical  cards are    being printed and issued to the staff.

            17.     Web Page: As a mandatory under RTI Act-2005, for the transparency and convenience of
            the staff & Public, Personnel Department has gone ahead and developed a Webpage with the
            details such as Sanction Strength, C.G Appointments, Recruitment, Panel Issued in 2011, RTI
            Cases, Book of Sanctions, Seniority Lists, LARSGESS, Industrial Relations, Miscellaneous.
                   Log on:>About us>Divisions>Hyderabad>Personnel

            18.    NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) Payments:
                   To avoid delay, payment arranged through ECS & CORE Banking system. HYB Division
                   implemented all payments, arrears, individual cash awards  through NEFT.

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