Page 205 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 205
10. Redressal of Grievances:DPG/DoPT/CPGRAMS & NIVARAN:
No.of Grievances No.Disposed Pending Remarks
Sl.No. Received
1 191 191 0 -
Efforts are made to solve the Grievances within 10 days of time. The time to time action
taken on the Grievances will be intimated to the applicants through SMS.
11. Welfare and Staff Amenities:
11.1 Institutes: 2 Institutes are functioning on HYB Division.
S. Centre/ No.of Approx 20% Chairman of Facilities Auditng
No Location members of staff as the institute available done
1 S.LGD 440 Functioning Sr.DME/HYB 2017-18
2 MLY 474 Functioning ACMS/MLY 2018-19
The following facilities are available in Institutes:
*1) Reading Room with News papers, 2) Billiards & snookers, 3) Outdoor/indoor games
(4) Table Tennis, 5) Shuttle Badminton.
11.2 Staff Benefit Fund:
The following welfare activities are being carried out from S.B.F.
Homeopathic Dispensary
Re-imbursement of cost of spectacles
Maintenance Grants
Re-imbursement of Medical expenses
Financial Assistance to the Physically Handicapped School going children of Rly.
Financial Assistance to children of Railway Employees attending school for deaf, dumb,
blind & mentally retarded.
Cash Awards for promotion of Girl child & adoption of small family norms.
Inter Divisional Cultural competitions
Employee‟s camp
Women empowerment activities (2) : i. Violence against women
ii. International Women‟s Day