Page 9 - EUREKA! Fall 2017
P. 9

David Sinclair stands

                                           at the bottom of a

                                           cylindrical cavern two

                                           kilometres beneath the
                                           rolling scrubland of

                                           Sudbury, Ontario. The

                                           walls of the Cryopit at
 LAB LEGACY                                SNOLAB — a world-

                                           class science laboratory

                                           accessed via a spur

                                           tunnel from an active
 THE SUDBURY NEUTRINO OBSERVATORY          nickel mine — are shiny

 WAS LAUNCHED AS A SINGLE                  white trowel-smooth
                                           shotcrete. The concrete
 EXPERIMENT, BUT ITS SUCCESS               floor is covered with

 SPAWNED A DYNAMIC SCIENCE FACILITY        an epoxy finish to seal

                                           in surface dust and

                                           create a washable
 By Dan Rubinstein                         surface. But other than

 Photos by Luther Caverly                  some blue ventilation

                                           tubes hooked up to the

                                           facility’s air purification

                                           system, a few bundles

                                           of cable and a couple

                                           pallets of shrink-

                                           wrapped electronics

                                           equipment being stored

                                           here temporarily, the

                                           enormous space — 20
                                           metres high, with a

                                           diameter of 15 meters —

                                           is empty.
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