Page 5 - EUREKA! Fall 2017
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providing a place   educational programming and share
 for startups   scientific knowledge.”
 and small-to-  Science North draws more than
 medium-sized   400,000 visitors annually to its main
 enterprises to   science centre (with attractions
 advance their   that include an IMAX theatre, digital
 data analytics   planetarium and butterfly gallery)
 business.  and Dynamic Earth — Home of the
 “As a physicist,   Big Nickel, a separate science centre
 I never thought   focused on mining and earth sciences.
 a lab like this   It co-produced the travelling “New
 would be of   Eyes on the Universe” exhibit after
 such interest   SNO’s Art McDonald was named                                        Obis ipsunt, odi aut
                                                                                     pero officiam, conse
 Photo:  to other fields,”   co-winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize                       aut fugitio nsequam,
 in Physics (see sidebar), and has
 says Nigel Smith,
 Pudit quia dolo officillatur reicatium volorit quo minis doluptas   a dark matter   produced a pair of multimedia “object   to moluptatur ate sunt
                                                                                     untotatem voluptatur
 audit, sitatiust, sincill uptaeped magni a cus mollaccus eum                        amusdam
 researcher from   theatres” focused on particle physics:
 $76.4 million over the ensuing five   the United Kingdom who became   “Secrets of the Sun,” which introduced
 years, “have and will contribute over   SNOLAB’s director in 2009. “Some   a character named Captain Neutrino
 $358 million to the Canadian economy   wondrous connections are being   to the world and ran for 10 years, and    Photo: Luther Caverly
 which translates to approximately $45   established here, and this is happening   “Between the Stars,” which is currently
 million on an annual basis.” Moreover,   very organically.”  on display and takes audiences inside
 SNOLAB annually supports 234   The evolution of the SNO experiment   contemporary dark matter research.
 person-years of employment.  into a multifaceted facility with a broad   “Science is arguably more important
 The KPMG report also highlights   mandate paved the path to a greater   today than it ever has been and   Ask a theoretical particle physicist
 the Mining Observatory Data Control   community presence, says Smith.   we are proud to be a partner with
 Centre (MODCC), a partnership   Its already strong relationship with   SNOLAB,” says Science North CEO   Five things you always wanted to know about scientists who develop models for describing
 between SNOLAB and the Centre   Sudbury’s Science North — Canada’s   Guy Labine. “The public needs to
 for Excellence in Mining Innovation.   second largest science centre and   be able to understand its relevance.   fundamental particles and their interactions (but were probably afraid to ask)
 Housed in SNOLAB’s above ground   Northern Ontario’s most popular   The realm that we operate in is STEM
 operations at Vale, which has been   tourist attraction — has grown deeper   [Science, Technology, Engineering   I   CARLETON HAS A THEORETICAL   and chances are none will be right.   says Logan, because scientists know
 operating the Creighton Mine   over the past 10 years. Science North   and Mathematics] education, which   PARTICLE PHYSICS GROUP  “But you learn some things in the   it’s there but don’t know what “it” is.
 since purchasing Inco in 2006, the   essentially serves as the public face of   helps create innovative workplaces   It has five faculty members: Heather   process,” she says, “and you work up   Experiments have helped narrow the
 $1.5 million project addresses the   SNOLAB, an important role because   and inspires the next generation   Logan, Stephen Godfrey, Thomas   a plausible explanation, which means   range of possibilities, and projects such
 “significant gap in the collection,   there is no public access to the   of scientists. It’s natural for us to   Gregoire, Bruce Campbell and Daniel   not in contradiction with any of the   as DEAP-3600 at SNOLAB (see “New
 storage, analysis and sharing of   underground lab. “This connection,”   celebrate research that’s taking place   Stolarski. Like many of her peers,   experimental results obtained by   window on the universe,” page TK) have
 ‘big data’ in the mining sector” by   says Smith, “allows us to deliver   in our own backyard.” —Dan Rubinstein  Logan found this field through   humanity up till now — which is a big   a shot at identifying the mysterious form
        serendipity. She was interested in   thing to check.”                    of matter that constitutes a large swath
        astronomy and science fiction, studied                                   of the universe. “Since I started grad
 SNO roadshow comes   physics as an undergraduate in   III  THEY SIFT THROUGH A   school, there have been only a handful
        California, and had a PhD supervisor
                                                                                 of really big particle physics discoveries,”
                                             LOT OF DATA
 to Carleton  who was a theoretical particle   Particle physics experiments don’t   says Logan. “There was the discovery of
        physicist. “Chance has an influence on
                                                                                 neutrino oscillation and the Higgs boson.
                                             generate boatloads of data — they create
        one’s trajectory,” she says. “That’s the   entire fleets of information. Essentially,   Dark matter would be in this class.”
 A travelling multimedia exhibit that explores the   way the world works.”  researchers “smash stuff together,” which
 history and evolution of the Sudbury Neutrino   produces data that can be “sliced and   V  THEY LOOK FOR UNEXPECTED
 Observatory — and the facility’s Nobel Prize-  II  EVEN THOUGH IT’S A THEORY   diced” in myriad ways, says Logan, to   CONNECTIONS BETWEEN EXISTING
 winning discoveries — will be on display at   GROUP, THEIR WORK INVOLVES   search for many different things. “It’s kind   EXPERIMENTS
 Carleton’s Location TK from October 3 to 23. “New   EXPERIMENTS  of like the long-form census,” she says.   Different kinds of experiments can have
 Eyes on the Universe,” created by Science North   Physics experiments typically do   “You send out the questionnaire, get the   sensitivity to the same phenomena.
 with input from SNO and SNOLAB researchers,   one of two things: test predictions   results, and then the statisticians play   To Logan, this is one of the most fun
 opened at Canada House in London, England,   derived from the Standard Model   with the info for the next 10 years.” This   things about theory. She has done a
 on Canada Day 2016. Since then, the interpretive   — a theory that describes the basic   process helps physicists construct and   lot of work on the Higgs boson, for
 panels, spectacular images, video kiosks, virtual   components of matter and the forces   test new models.   example, and continues to mine the
 tour and artifacts such as a 1/50 scale model of   that govern their interactions — or   data that confirmed its existence. Work
 the SNO detector have visited several Canadian   look for new physics phenomena. For   IV  THEY’RE REALLY INTO   at the Large Hadron Collider could help
 science centres and universities. The exhibit   either approach, theorists do a lot of   DARK MATTER  inform the search for dark matter. “The
 explains the basic science at the heart of SNO   complicated calculations. They often   Everyone in Carleton’s theoretical   job of a theorist,” says Logan, “is to
 and SNOLAB, and shares the stories of the people   come up with multiple possibilities   particle physics group has done some   know all sorts of different things and
 behind the experiments.  Photo:  for new phenomena, says Logan,   dark matter research. It’s a hot topic,   put them together.”

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