Page 26 - EUREKA Winter 2017
P. 26

Fish finder

                   If all we did was fundamental science,
                                            I wouldn’t get yelled at

                                   during community meetings

                      It’s the middle of winter, but Carleton professor Steven Cooke,
                Canada Research Chair in Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology,
                      is already thinking ahead to next year’s field work. Sure, he has
               boatloads of data to analyze over the winter — statistics from salmon
                migrations in B.C., for instance — and telemetry equipment has been
                 deployed to track the movement of electronically tagged fish under
                  the ice in Lake Ontario. But Cooke knows the importance of laying
                 the groundwork for the research that he and the 40 or so postdocs,
                  grad students and undergrads in his lab will be conducting in 2017
                   and beyond. And at the core of these efforts is a crucial principle:
                                          collaboration. — as told to Dan Rubinstein

                 Field work begins well ahead of   pollution and degraded habit      of how people interact with aquatic
                 when you arrive on site. It can take   were deemed “areas of concern.”   ecosystems. Humans are both the
                 years to understand the issues and   Hundreds of millions of dollars have   cause of environmental problems and
                 co-create a research agenda. If we   been invested in restoration, and   the solution.
                 just dropped in and then left with   we’re partnering with organizations   Biology is just part of the picture.
                 our results, the science is less likely   such as Fisheries and Oceans   We collaborate with social scientists
                 to be relevant and change people’s   Canada to find out whether it’s been   and community groups — the nexus
                 habits or policy.                 effective — if it’s safe to get into a   between science and people. If all
                   The Lake Ontario work goes back   kayak or fish or take your kids to the   we did was fundamental science,
                 to the 1970s, when 40 or so places   beach. This research is helping us   I wouldn’t get yelled at during
                 in the Great Lakes with significant   develop a broader understanding   community meetings, but our work

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