Page 28 - EUREKA Winter 2017
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                                                                                    years of science

                                                                                 Carleton celebrates its 75th anniversary
                                                                                 in 2017. There have been countless
                                                                                 changes since a group of visionary
                                                                                 citizens opened the doors of a new
                                                                                 college in 1942 for students building
                                                                                 their careers after military service
                                                                                 in the Second World War. Over the
                                                                                 next two decades, Carleton evolved
                                                                                 into a university and its science
                                                                                 programs grew to the point where
                                                                                 a Faculty of Science was created in
                                                                                 1963. Today, the Faculty of Science
                                                                                 is comprised of 12 academic units
                                                                                 housed primarily in six buildings. More
                                                                                 than 3,300 undergraduate and 500
                                                                                 graduate students enroll each year in
                                                                                 the faculty’s 34 undergraduate and 19
        Photo:                                                                   graduate degree programs.

        2017 Faculty of Science event highlights

        Discovery Lecture                    Science Café with Andrew Simons     Health Sciences Showcase
        Globe and Mail health columnist André Picard  Wed., Mar. 22              Wed., Sept. 27
        Wed., Feb. 1                         Ottawa Library (Sunnyside branch)   Richcraft Hall
        Richcraft Hall
                                             Data Day 4.0 (CU Institute for Data Science)  Butterfly Exhibit
        Science Professor Jeopardy           Wed., Mar. 29                       Sept. 30 to Oct. 8
        Thu., Feb. 2                         Richcraft Hall                      Nesbitt Biology Building
        Fenn Lounge
                                             Science Undergrad Research Day      Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference
        Science Café with Fred Gaidies       Fri., Apr. 7                        Oct. 20 to 23
        Wed., Feb. 8                         Fenn Lounge                         Location TBD
        Ottawa Library (Sunnyside branch)
                                             Chemistry Magic Show (10th Anniversary)  Physics Annual Show
        Science Café with Shawna Masson      Sat., May 13                        Sat., Oct. 28
        Wed., Feb. 22                        Outdoors, Carleton campus           Herzberg labs
        Ottawa Library (Sunnyside branch)
                                             CU75 Research Event - Carleton Exchange  Herzberg Lecture
        Chemistry Magic Show (10th anniversary)  Thu., May 18                    Jacqueline K. Barton from Caltech
        Sat., Feb. 25                        Richcraft Hall                      Wed., Nov. 1
        Richcraft Hall                                                           Location TBD
                                             Throwback Weekend Alumni Mixer
        Science Café with Jennifer Bruin     Thu., Sept. 14                      For updated events info, please go to
        Wed., Mar. 8                         Richcraft Hall            
        Ottawa Library (Sunnyside branch)

        Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
        Department of University Advancement   Publication Mail Agreement
        Carleton University       No. 40063314
        1125 Colonel By Drive     ISSN 0226-5389
        Ottawa, ON  K1S 5B6  Canada

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