Page 25 - EUREKA Winter 2017
P. 25

Carleton computer science student Anna Malchow-Perryman shows her skills to Navdeep Bains, Canada’s Minister of Innovation,
        Science and Economic Development at a launch event for the internships at Shopify’s downtown Ottawa head office in October.
        in Canada is one of the attractions for   schools, but also through the local Girl   “We’ll be able to give credit for
        Shopify, even if students don’t stay   Develop It! community, a non-profit   skills that are impossible to get in
        with the company after graduation.   organization that provides affordable   the classroom, where you can only
        It’s part of Shopify’s focus on good   programs for adult women interested   simulate what people do in the real
        citizenship, says Carmichael.        in learning web and software        world, not contribute to a platform
          “Shopify and Carleton are showing   development. “A lot of women don’t   that thousands of people are using.
        real leadership,” said Navdeep Bains,   apply for these types of programs   Curriculum-aligned work-integrated
        Canada’s Minister of Innovation,     because of a lack of confidence,” says   learning — that’s what makes this
        Science and Economic Development,    Carmichael. “A little encouragement   program unique.”
        who attended an event celebrating the   goes a long way.”                  If this year’s pilot is successful, the
        collaboration at Shopify’s downtown   Seven of the interns are coming    program could be expanded to around
        Ottawa offices in October. “Canada   right from high school; the others are   15 new students next fall — and, further
        needs to do a better job of preparing   mature students. “Students need the   down the road, rolled out so Carleton
        people at all stages of life for a rapidly   same background as other computer   can partner with other companies,
        changing job market. Programs        science students,” says Carmichael, “as   and Shopify with other universities.
        such as the unique one launched by   well as something that sets them apart,   “Everybody on my team at Shopify is
        Shopify and Carleton will help students   such as prior software development   really excited,” says Carmichael. “It’s
        integrate more quickly into the      experience.” The program, she adds,   going to be amazing to see what these
        workforce after they graduate.”      “provides an opportunity to do      students can do.”
                                             meaningful work much sooner in your
        Shopify and Carleton are also        degree — you’re contributing as part
        working toward more gender equity    of a team. It’s also an opportunity for
        in a traditionally male-dominated    more personalized education. You can
        discipline. Six of the 11 students are   really do the things you’re passionate
        women, a big step in a field that’s   about. This is great for a certain type
        usually 10 to 15 percent female. The   of learner: understanding the ‘why’
        interns were not only recruited at high   before the ‘what’ can be very powerful.

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