Page 20 - EUREKA Winter 2017
P. 20

in the Sioux Lookout area will present
                                                                                   challenges for the researchers
                                                                                     “Really, the ultimate goal is to help
                                                                                 Left and middle: Luther Caverly; Daniel Abriel  for how to move forward.”
                                                                                   them build on their strengths,” says
                                                                                   Bombay, “and support their best ideas
                                                                                     Those strengths could include
                                                                                   community initiatives as varied as a
                                                                                   successful suicide prevention program
                                                                                   in one community and a solar power

                                                                                     The demographics argument, that
                                                                                   Indigenous youth are the fastest
       Kim Matheson            Ariel Root               Amy Bombay                 project in another.
                                                                                   growing population in Canada, is one
          intergenerational consequences of   and evaluation expert Rob Shepherd,   reason Youth Futures is important,
          colonization and continued practices   Aboriginal Enriched Support Program   says Bombay. But so are social,
          associated with federal funding,    coordinator Rodney Nelson, Sprott    cultural and economic arguments,
          legislative and treaty rights, resource   School of Business entrepreneurship   not to mention funding disparities
          extraction and land development,    specialist Tony Bailetti and university   and shortfalls. “Improving well-being
          out-migration due to lack of economic   archivist Patti Harper — is working with   among Indigenous youth,” she says,
          or educational prospects, and,      academic partners from Dalhousie     “will benefit everybody.”
          increasingly, changing climates and   University, Lakehead University and
          environments, put many Indigenous   Cape Breton University.              It took two years of relationship
          youth at risk.                        Researchers from nine other        building after Bombay’s report was
            “Numerous programs have           universities in Canada, the United   released in Sioux Lookout to get Youth
          been introduced in First Nations    States and Australia are also        Futures to the starting line. The short-
          communities over the years to foster   participating. This is in addition to the   term goal of the project is to establish
          youth resilience and prosperity. Some   seven partner organizations already   active relationships with three to five

                 Improving well-being among Indigenous youth

                          will benefit everybody.

          successes have been evident. At the   playing a lead role in Indigenous   communities within the first couple
          same time, problems continue to be   youth education, health and well-   years, and grow from there.
          present in the lives of First Nations   being in the region.               “We want to learn what works in one
          youth, as evidenced by the low high                                      place, and then see how communities
          school completion rates (and still   Amy Bombay, Matheson and            can work together to apply the
          lower rates of pursuing post-secondary   Anisman’s former graduate student,   approach elsewhere,” says Matheson.
          education), gang involvement,       now a professor in the Department    “We want to do something that actually
          substance and alcohol abuse, and    of Psychiatry and School of Nursing   makes a difference — and to understand
          rates of suicide. Clearly there is no   at Dalhousie, is one of the project’s   what factors led to that difference.”
          single solution or pathway forward.   leaders. Her research interest in the   From a research perspective,
          By bringing together the partnership   long-term impacts of residential   explaining and disseminating
          team represented in this proposal, it   schools, in particular on mental health,   information about these factors could
          is possible to take a multi-pronged   has personal roots — Bombay is from   have important outcomes far beyond
          approach that is shaped by, and     Rainy River First Nations, an Ojibway   northwestern Ontario. If the right
          with, First Nations communities … to   community west of Lake Superior on   kind of evidence is assembled, Youth
          implement and evaluate pathways     the Ontario-Minnesota border.        Futures could have national policy
          forward to foster youth resilience    Youth Futures, in a sense, is a    implications.
          and create the conditions for       continuation of the work that led      One local success story, which is
          youth to prosper as leaders in their   to her report on lateral or peer-to-  being evaluated by Carleton’s Social
          communities.”                       peer violence. The partnership’s     Diversity Lab, is the Sioux Mountain
            Carleton — whose participants     “participatory methodology,” she says,   Public School’s Mitacs-funded Hockey
          include Aboriginal and northern     holds great promise. However, just as   Skills Academy, where students
          development emeritus professor      there are differences between Rainy   participate in on- and off-ice skills
          Katherine Graham, Anisman, public   River and Sioux Lookout, differences   development and training. As part
          policy expert Frances Abele, policy   between the individual First Nations   of the program, students also learn

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