Page 17 - EUREKA Winter 2017
P. 17

Like a DJ at the decks, Cliff Hansen brings an expert touch to the controls of Bridgehead’s enormous coffee roaster.

        develop an analytical method where we can identify   dent to work specifically on this research. “Now we’re
        it before they lose business. The consolation prize still   set up to do coffee analysis, and there may be an appe-
        saves them money. I’m confident that can happen.”   tite for that from other coffee roasters moving forward.
          For Bridgehead, a little advance warning could be the   If we’re able to tell a smaller company that their product
        difference between a satisfied customer and a financial   is starting to go off, through the analysis of a few key
        loss. Because specialty coffees can come at a price so   molecules, that could represent a new business avenue
        much higher than their more common cousins, be-    for us as well.
        ing able to predict that an exceptional coffee will lose   “This was the vision we had right off the bat, that
        its finest flavours even a few weeks before it happens   we’d be able to interface with companies — provide a
        could allow the company to push coffee at risk of going   tangible benefit to them — while generating revenue
        stale before the change actually occurs.           that brings a benefit to us, such as having the latest
          “This project sets us up nicely too — it’s reciprocal.”   infrastructure in our lab to contribute to our core work
        says Smith, who has been able to hire a graduate stu-  in health sciences. It’s a vision that’s working.”

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