Page 23 - EUREKA Winter 2017
P. 23

“This program will help me develop my skills — it’ll be
                             like advancing from a screwdriver to a drill!”

        the Shopify internships at a software   multiple sales channels, including   had tackled integrating practice and
        development workshop for women.      web, mobile, social media, brick-and-  theory in creative ways. It turns out
          “The fact that it was a combination   mortar locations and pop-up shops.   that no one had. Universities have
        of Carleton and Shopify was huge,”   Shopify currently powers more than   recognized the need for a new model
        says Kingsbury. “Industrial design is   325,000 businesses in approximately   for experiential learning. In fact, the
        about problem solving, but computer   150 countries, and is trusted by brands   majority of Canadian universities have
        science gives you tools and the      such as Tesla Motors, Budweiser, Red   it as a key pillar in their strategies. But
        mindset you need to solve problems.   Bull, the LA Lakers and many more.   they haven’t been able to do much
        This program will help me develop my   “We talked with many interns about   without a strong partnership with
        skills — it’ll be like advancing from a   staying on at Shopify,” says Lemieux,   industry.
        screwdriver to a drill!”             “and although they all agreed that they   “It was definitely time to shake
          What’s more, she says, as a mature   were learning so much by working   things up. We dove in head-first. We
        student who’ll be 30 years old at    with the some of the best developers   found in Carleton an amazing partner
        graduation, the internship will give
        her practical experience to list on her
        resume, not only another degree. “It’s
        like I hit the jackpot,” says Kingsbury.
        “It doesn’t feel like I’m going back to
        square one — it’s like I’m taking the
        next step.”

        The concept of a partnership like
        this was conceived by Jean-Michel
        Lemieux, Shopify’s senior vice-
        president of engineering, when he
        was working for software company
        Atlassian in Australia. Lemieux brought
        the idea to Canada when he moved
        back home and began working at
        Shopify in 2015.
          “Over the years, Shopify has hired
        high school and university interns as a
        long-term investment in talent, and we
        quickly realized that some of the best
        ideas and contributions were coming
        from our interns,” says Lemieux. “Our
        internet-savvy interns cherished the
        fact that they could practice what they
        had learned on the internet in real time
                                             Abdou Sarr had options after high school, but this internship made him choose Carleton.
        at Shopify. Many took online courses or
        worked on open source projects and
        got the theory one day and applied it   on the planet, the majority wanted a   who had come to many of the same
        the next.”                           degree for their future flexibility. Some   conclusions that we had but, like us,
          Shopify is the world’s leading     of them saw their parents lose their   needed a partner to make something
        cloud-based, multi-channel commerce   jobs in the crash of 2009 and 2010,   truly innovative happen.”
        platform designed for small- and     and for them a university degree is an
        medium-sized businesses. Merchants   insurance policy.                   In January 2016, Carleton Faculty of
        can use the software to design, set   “We started talking to universities   Science Dean Malcolm Butler and
        up and manage their stores across    and researching to see if someone   Doug Howe, director of the School

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